Home Forums SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2005 General Discussion How To Setup Server Side Only Alias (No Client Config Needed) For Named Instance Only SQL Installs RE: How To Setup Server Side Only Alias (No Client Config Needed) For Named Instance Only SQL Installs

  • RBarryYoung (8/27/2012)

    What facility is the "Server only Alias"? Can you point me to the doc for it?

    The only way that I've heard of anything like this was through the SPN's, is that what you mean?


    BY server olny alias I mean configuring an alias at the server and not at the client so that if you have 1 server and 100 clients you need configure the alias just once, at the server and then all 100 clients can use that server alias. I'm asking if that kind of thing is possible? Or do you have to configure a server alias on every client that will need to use it?

    ANother way:

    SQL Server\Instance: WDSERV09\SS2005

    If I want to configure it so that all 100 clients can connect to WDSERV09\SS2005 using the server alias dbserver do I need to configure the alis at all 100 clients (a client being a workstation on the domain) or can I do it at just the SQL Server?


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