• GSquared (4/24/2008)

    I'm not sure if what you're asking for is "max" and "min". Take a look at those in Books Online and see if they will do what you need.

    If you want to return the higher of two values in two different columns, I think a Case statement is needed.


    when Col1 => Col2 then Col1

    when Col2 > Col1 then Col2

    else null


    If the columns are nullable, then it gets complex fast.

    Here is an example with 4 columns:


    when a.Val1 is not null and

    (a.Val1 >= a.Val2 or a.Val2 is null) and

    (a.Val1 >= a.Val3 or a.Val3 is null) and

    (a.Val1 >= a.Val4 or a.Val4 is null)

    then a.Val1

    when a.Val2 is not null and

    (a.Val2 >= a.Val1 or a.Val1 is null) and

    (a.Val2 >= a.Val3 or a.Val3 is null) and

    (a.Val2 >= a.Val4 or a.Val4 is null)

    then a.Val2

    when a.Val3 is not null and

    (a.Val3 >= a.Val1 or a.Val1 is null) and

    (a.Val3 >= a.Val2 or a.Val2 is null) and

    (a.Val3 >= a.Val4 or a.Val4 is null)

    then a.Val3

    when a.Val4 is not null and

    (a.Val4 >= a.Val1 or a.Val1 is null) and

    (a.Val4 >= a.Val2 or a.Val2 is null) and

    (a.Val4 >= a.Val3 or a.Val3 is null)

    then a.Val4

    else null


    This is an alternative that is easier to code when you have to do this for a large number of columns:


    [Max_of_Val1_to_Val4] =



    X1= max(bb.xx)



    select xx = a.Val1 where a.Val1 is not null union all

    select xx = a.Val2 where a.Val2 is not null union all

    select xx = a.Val3 where a.Val3 is not null union all

    select xx = a.Val4 where a.Val4 is not null

    ) bb



    MyTable a

    More about these methods here:

    MIN/MAX Across Multiple Columns


    You can also use UNPIVIOT for this. Sorry, don't have an example, but that's what Books Online is for.
