• What's up !

    I used GSquared tables for a solution like this:

    -- This is just to create the table for testing.

    create table #MachineStatus (

    ID int identity primary key,

    Time_stamp datetime,

    Machine_state int);

    insert into #MachineStatus (Time_stamp, Machine_state)

    select '3.27.2009 23:00', 0 union all

    select '3.27.2009 23:45', 1 union all

    select '3.27.2009 23:55', 2 union all

    select '3.28.2009 00:30', 1 union all

    select '3.28.2009 02:00', 2 union all

    select '3.28.2009 04:00', 1 union all

    select '3.28.2009 06:00', 2 union all

    select '3.28.2009 09:00', 1 union all

    select '3.28.2009 16:30', 2 union all

    select '3.28.2009 16:50', 0 union all

    select '3.28.2009 16:30', 2 union all

    select '3.28.2009 18:50', 1 union all

    select '3.28.2009 19:50', 2;

    create table #Shifts (

    ID int identity primary key,

    SNumber int,

    SStart int,

    SStop int);

    insert into #Shifts (SNumber, SStart, SStop)

    select 1, 8, 17 union all

    select 2, 17, 24 union all

    select 2, 0, 1 union all

    select 3, 1, 8;

    -- Here is the actual solution.

    ;With StatusFlow



    SELECT Time_Stamp,


    ChangeId = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Time_Stamp), -- In case the identity gets messed up.

    Shift = SNumber

    FROM #MachineStatusms

    LEFT JOIN #Shifts s ON DATEPART(HOUR,ms.Time_Stamp) BETWEEN s.SStart AND s.SStop


    Changes AS


    SELECT Status = ss.Machine_State,

    NewStatus = se.Machine_State,

    StateStart = ss.Time_Stamp,

    StateEnd = se.Time_Stamp,

    Duration = DATEDIFF(MINUTE,ss.Time_Stamp, se.Time_Stamp),


    FROM StatusFlow ss

    INNER JOIN StatusFlow se ON se.ChangeId = ss.ChangeId + 1


    SELECT Shift,Status, TotalTime = SUM(Duration)

    FROM Changes

    GROUP BY Shift,Status

    ORDER BY Shift ,Status