• L' Eomot Inversé (6/13/2012)[hrI suspect the point he is attempting to make is that a competent administrator will succede, not fail, because if he knows the port numbers he can connect using sqlcmd. Service Broker is just one option for knowing the port numbers, there are others.


    Any competent administrator, knowing the port numbers, will succeed.

    At least some widely skilled administrators have a variety of ways of finding the port numbers, including but not limited to:

    1) Hey, JuniorDBA: Try to connect to the instance or the DAC. Start at port 1 and work your way up until you get a connection, then figure out what you connected to.

    2) Check your documentation for the port numbers

    3) Check the log files for the port numbers

    4) SQLPing

    5) netstat -a -b -n

    6) Sysinternals TCPView

    7) NMAP or another port-scanning utility