• Tonci Korsano (5/11/2012)

    hi there,

    here is the answer --> https://www.google.com/#hl=en&sa=X&psj=1&ei=70OtT53nCYKy8ASUwrWXDQ&ved=0CBgQvwUoAQ&q=(sqlbulkcopy+OR+bcp)+(%22no+logging%22+OR+%22does+not+log%22)&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=356e729b7a15c7f0&biw=1280&bih=891

    or just put in google.com

    (sqlbulkcopy OR bcp) ("no logging" OR "does not log")

    this is really a web search... even though it doesn't look like one

    The first two links returned are for Sybase SQL Server, not Microsoft SQL Server. The third link is for Microsoft BULK INSERT and if you read it, it says "The Bulk Insert task does not log error-causing rows". That is much different than not logging anything to the transaction log.

    truncate doesn't log either.

    Also false. Truncate is a logged command. Try it out. You can see it can be rolled back.

    if you are going to delete a table with millions of rows (meaning the entire table), and you won't need to rollback, then truncate can do that job for you under a second.

    Not always. Truncate deallocates entire pages rather than deelting the individual rows on those pages, making it a faster option, but and on large tables or on slow systems truncate can still take more than "under a second".

    but what is this i would really like?

    being young enough do not know any of this for those versions of sybase and sql server.

    it is like "do you remember this from sq server 6.0?"

    and then i could really say "what are you talking about? i am not old enough to have worked with anything like that!"

    well... too bad for me! 🙂

    Please do not cite your age or the number of versions of a product you have worked with as a means to claim authority, you are only embarrassing yourself.

    have an excellent day

    You too 🙂

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