• hi there,

    please, make this google saved search:

    sqldatareader vs dataset performance

    you could try sqldatareader.

    it uses a server-side cursor.

    you have to close your sqldatareader object once you are finished with it.

    scrolling of a datareader is different from a dataset.

    dataset are in-memory databases and disconnected from the data source.

    sqldatareader is not disconnected from its data source.

    sqldatareader are a little like recordsets with a server-side cursor used in classic ado.

    you could also do these google saved searches:

    oledbdatareader vs sqldatareader

    oledbdatareader vs dataset

    i think you have to know in advance the data types of the columns you access with a datareader object, but you could also access them by index position and then cast to the required data type.

    you still have different techniques to try...

    good luck,

    tonci korsano