• I have posted this previously to this website, but I've made a few enhancements to it, so I'll post it again. This is my script to run a Security Audit for an instance. Runs for all databases, unless you put a specific database in the WHERE clause of the appropriate SELECT.

    It creates either columnar output, or actual assignment statements. Set the @outputtype variable to whichever is needed.

    In that same area, you can set whether to include the object level permissions, and the role information.

    It's not the cleanest or the fastest, but it does a really good job for what I needed.

    Uses print, so go to the messages tab in the output in Management Studio. Can run as output to file so prints directly to a file, especially useful if a lot of databases, or a lot of permissions.

    Here is the script. Hope it helps.

    /* ====================================================================================================================== */

    /* Instance Security Audit Documentation */

    /* Runs for all databases, unless a specific database is used in the WHERE clause below */

    /* */

    /* By VikingDBA 12/28/2011 */

    /* ====================================================================================================================== */

    Use MASTER


    /* ==================================================================================================================== */

    -- Security Audit for SERVER Roles

    DECLARE @sr varchar(100)

    DECLARE @mn varchar(150)

    DECLARE @cmd varchar(4000)

    DECLARE @col1nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col2nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col3nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col4nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col5nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col6nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col7nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col8nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col9nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col10nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col11nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col12nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col13nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col14nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col15nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col16nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col17nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col18nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col19nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col20nm varchar(200)

    DECLARE @col1len int

    DECLARE @col2len int

    DECLARE @col3len int

    DECLARE @col4len int

    DECLARE @col5len int

    DECLARE @col6len int

    DECLARE @col7len int

    DECLARE @col8len int

    DECLARE @col9len int

    DECLARE @col10len int

    DECLARE @col11len int

    DECLARE @col12len int

    DECLARE @col13len int

    DECLARE @col14len int

    DECLARE @col15len int

    DECLARE @col16len int

    DECLARE @col17len int

    DECLARE @col18len int

    DECLARE @col19len int

    DECLARE @col20len int

    DECLARE @rn varchar(200)

    DECLARE @un varchar(200)

    DECLARE @ut varchar(200)

    DECLARE @sd varchar(200)

    DECLARE @pn varchar(200)

    DECLARE @SN varchar(200)

    DECLARE @on varchar(200)

    DECLARE @pd varchar(200)

    DECLARE @sdmax int

    DECLARE @pnmax int

    DECLARE @snmax int

    DECLARE @onmax int

    DECLARE @pdmax int

    DECLARE @unmax int

    DECLARE @rnmax int

    DECLARE @utmax int

    DECLARE @outputtypeint

    DECLARE @prodlevel varchar(25)

    DECLARE @versionvarchar(250)

    DEClARE @prodvervarchar(50)

    DECLARE @editionvarchar(50)

    DECLARE @includeobjlvlpermsbit

    DECLARE @includeroleinfobit

    SET @outputtype = 1-- 1=columnar 2=assignment statements

    SET @includeobjlvlperms = 1

    SET @includeroleinfo = 1

    SELECT @prodlevel=CONVERT(varchar(25),SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel'))

    SELECT @version=CONVERT(varchar(250),@@VERSION)

    SELECT @prodver=CONVERT(varchar(50),SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion'))

    SELECT @edition=CONVERT(varchar(50),SERVERPROPERTY('Edition'))

    /* ============================================================================ */

    --Find split out line

    DECLARE @lvaltousevarchar(2000)

    DECLARE @lvallengthint

    DECLARE @lvalctint

    DECLARE @spotcatint

    DECLARE @spotcatvalint

    DECLARE @lval1varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @lval2varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @lval3varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @lval4varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @lval5varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @lval6varchar(2000)

    SET @lvaltouse = @version

    SET @lvallength = LEN(@lvaltouse)

    SET @lvalct = 1

    SET @spotcat = 1

    SET @lval1 = ''

    SET @lval2 = ''

    SET @lval3 = ''

    SET @lval4 = ''

    SET @lval5 = ''

    SET @lval6 = ''

    WHILE @spotcat <= @lvallength


    SET @spotcatval = ASCII(SUBSTRING(@lvaltouse,@spotcat,1))

    if @spotcatval = 10-- value we are looking for

    SET @lvalct = @lvalct + 1-- set to go to the next line and start building it

    else-- add to current value line


    if @spotcatval <> 9-- values we are wanting to exclude


    if @lvalct = 1

    SET @lval1 = @lval1 + CHAR(@spotcatval)

    if @lvalct = 2

    SET @lval2 = @lval2 + CHAR(@spotcatval)

    if @lvalct = 3

    SET @lval3 = @lval3 + CHAR(@spotcatval)

    if @lvalct = 4

    SET @lval4 = @lval4 + CHAR(@spotcatval)

    if @lvalct = 5

    SET @lval5 = @lval5 + CHAR(@spotcatval)

    if @lvalct = 6

    SET @lval6 = @lval6 + CHAR(@spotcatval)



    SET @spotcat = @spotcat + 1


    --PRINT 'Line to split=' + @lvaltouse

    --PRINT 'line1 = ' + @lval1

    --PRINT 'line2 = ' + @lval2

    --PRINT 'line3 = ' + @lval3

    --PRINT 'line4 = ' + @lval4

    --PRINT 'line5 = ' + @lval5

    --PRINT 'line6 = ' + @lval6

    /* ============================================================================= */

    PRINT '============================================================================================================='

    PRINT ' Security Audit For Server Instance ' + CONVERT(varchar(128),@@servername)

    if @outputtype = 2

    PRINT ' Assignment Statements'

    PRINT ' For ' + CONVERT(varchar(128),getdate(),101) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(128),getdate(),108)

    PRINT '============================================================================================================='

    PRINT 'SQL Server Version: ' + @lval1

    PRINT ' ' + @lval4

    PRINT '============================================================================================================='

    PRINT 'NOTE: Make sure to get list of logins using the sp_help_revlogin stored procedure in the master database.'

    PRINT '============================================================================================================='

    PRINT ' Server Role Security Settings'

    PRINT ' '

    PRINT ' '

    CREATE TABLE #rolememberdummy

    (ServerRole varchar(100),

    MemberName varchar(150),

    MemberSID varchar(2000)


    CREATE TABLE #dummyDBPerms









    -- Security Audit

    INSERT INTO #rolememberdummy

    EXEC sp_helpsrvrolemember 'sysadmin'

    INSERT INTO #rolememberdummy

    EXEC sp_helpsrvrolemember 'securityadmin'

    INSERT INTO #rolememberdummy

    EXEC sp_helpsrvrolemember 'serveradmin'

    INSERT INTO #rolememberdummy

    EXEC sp_helpsrvrolemember 'dbcreator'

    INSERT INTO #rolememberdummy

    EXEC sp_helpsrvrolemember 'diskadmin'

    INSERT INTO #rolememberdummy

    EXEC sp_helpsrvrolemember 'processadmin'

    INSERT INTO #rolememberdummy

    EXEC sp_helpsrvrolemember 'setupadmin'

    INSERT INTO #rolememberdummy

    EXEC sp_helpsrvrolemember 'bulkadmin'

    SET @col1nm = 'Role'

    SET @col1len = 20

    SET @col2nm = ''

    SET @col2len = 8

    SET @col3nm = 'Member Name'

    SET @col3len = 30

    PRINT @col1nm + SPACE(@col1len-len(@col1nm)) + SPACE(@col2len) + @col3nm

    PRINT REPLICATE('=',@col1len) + SPACE(@col2len) + REPLICATE('=',@col3len)

    --SELECT CONVERT(varchar(30),ServerRole) as ServerRole, CONVERT(varchar(30),MemberName) AS MemberName FROM #rolememberdummy

    DECLARE backupFiles CURSOR FOR

    SELECT ServerRole, MemberName FROM #rolememberdummy

    OPEN backupFiles

    -- Loop through all the files for the database

    FETCH NEXT FROM backupFiles INTO @sr, @mn



    SET @col1nm = @sr

    SET @col1len = 20

    SET @col2nm = ''

    SET @col2len = 8

    SET @col3nm = @mn

    SET @col3len = 30

    PRINT @col1nm + SPACE(@col1len-len(@col1nm)) + SPACE(@col2len) + @col3nm

    FETCH NEXT FROM backupFiles INTO @sr, @mn


    CLOSE backupFiles

    DEALLOCATE backupFiles

    DROP TABLE #rolememberdummy

    PRINT ' '

    PRINT ' '

    PRINT '==========================================================================================================='

    PRINT ' Information By Database'

    PRINT ' '

    PRINT ' '









    CREATE TABLE #dummyDBRoles





    CREATE TABLE #dummyDBUsers




    INSERT INTO #DummyDBDesc

    select CONVERT(varchar(128),@@servername) AS ServerName, CONVERT(varchar(100),name) as DBName, CONVERT(varchar(10),recovery_model_desc) as RecoveryModel,--database_id,

    CASE compatibility_level

    WHEN 80 THEN CONVERT(varchar(4),compatibility_level) + ' - SQL 2000 *'

    WHEN 90 THEN CONVERT(varchar(4),compatibility_level) + ' - SQL 2005'

    WHEN 100 THEN CONVERT(varchar(4),compatibility_level) + ' - SQL 2008'

    WHEN 105 THEN CONVERT(varchar(4),compatibility_level) + ' - SQL 2008 R2'

    WHEN 110 THEN CONVERT(varchar(4),compatibility_level) + ' - Denali'

    ELSE CONVERT(varchar(4),compatibility_level)

    END AS CompatibilityLevel,

    CASE is_read_only

    WHEN 0 THEN CONVERT(varchar(10),'RW')

    ELSE CONVERT(varchar(10),'R')

    END as ReadWriteDesc

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE name NOT IN('tempdb','master','msdb','model') and name NOT LIKE '%ReportServer%'

    --AND name = 'MyDatabase'

    ORDER BY name

    DECLARE backupFiles CURSOR FOR

    SELECT DBName, RecoveryModel, CompatibilityLevel, ReadWriteDesc FROM #DummyDBDesc ORDER BY DBName

    OPEN backupFiles

    DECLARE @DBN varchar(100)

    DECLARE @rm varchar(10)

    DECLARE @cl varchar(30)

    DECLARE @rwd varchar(10)

    -- Loop through all the files for the database

    FETCH NEXT FROM backupFiles INTO @DBN, @rm, @cl, @rwd



    PRINT 'Database Name : ' + @DBN

    PRINT 'Recovery Model : ' + @rm

    PRINT 'Compatibility Level: ' + @cl

    PRINT 'Read/Write : ' + @rwd

    PRINT ' '

    PRINT ' '

    /* ================================================================================================================================================================= */

    /* Database User Information */

    --Start with a clean table to load the values

    TRUNCATE TABLE #dummyDBUsers

    -- Get roles for this database and load into the temp table

    SET @cmd = 'USE [' + @DBN + ']; INSERT INTO #dummyDBUsers SELECT CONVERT(varchar(100),name) AS UserName, CONVERT(varchar(100),type_desc) as UserType FROM sys.database_principals WHERE (type = ''S'' OR type = ''U'' OR type = ''G'') AND is_fixed_role = 0 AND (name NOT IN (''guest'',''dbo'',''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'',''sys''))'

    --PRINT @cmd

    EXEC (@cmd)

    --Get the length of the longest occurance of the columns

    SELECT @unmax = ISNULL(MAX(len(UserName)),0) FROM #dummyDBUsers

    SELECT @utmax = ISNULL(MAX(len(UserType)),0) FROM #dummyDBUsers

    --Set some minimum values so column doesn't print short

    if @unmax < 25 SET @unmax = 25

    if @utmax < 25 SET @utmax = 25

    --Set and print the column headings for the role information

    SET @col1nm = 'UserName'

    SET @col1len = @unmax

    SET @col2nm = ''

    SET @col2len = 5

    SET @col3nm = 'UserType'

    SET @col3len = @utmax

    PRINT ' '

    PRINT SPACE(10) + @col1nm + SPACE(@col1len-len(@col1nm)) + SPACE(@col2len) + @col3nm + SPACE(@col3len-len(@col3nm))

    PRINT SPACE(10) + REPLICATE('=',@col1len) + SPACE(@col2len) + REPLICATE('=',@col3len)

    DECLARE backupFiles2 CURSOR FOR

    SELECT UserName, UserType FROM #dummyDBUsers ORDER BY UserName

    OPEN backupFiles2

    -- Loop through all the files for the database

    FETCH NEXT FROM backupFiles2 INTO @un, @ut



    --Set and print the row details for the role information

    SET @col1nm = SUBSTRING(@un,1,@unmax)

    SET @col3nm = SUBSTRING(@ut,1,@utmax)

    PRINT SPACE(10) + @col1nm + SPACE(@col1len-len(@col1nm)) + SPACE(@col2len) + @col3nm + SPACE(@col3len-len(@col3nm))

    FETCH NEXT FROM backupFiles2 INTO @un, @ut


    CLOSE backupFiles2

    DEALLOCATE backupFiles2

    PRINT ' '

    PRINT ' '

    if @includeroleinfo = 1


    /* ================================================================================================================================================================= */

    /* Role Information */

    --Start with a clean table to load the values

    TRUNCATE TABLE #dummyDBRoles

    -- Get roles for this database and load into the temp table

    SET @cmd = 'USE [' + @DBN + ']; INSERT INTO #dummyDBRoles select CONVERT(varchar(200),roles.name) AS RoleName, CONVERT(varchar(200),members.name) AS UserName, CONVERT(varchar(200),members.type_desc) AS UserType from sys.database_principals members inner join sys.database_role_members drm on members.principal_id = drm.member_principal_id inner join sys.database_principals roles on drm.role_principal_id = roles.principal_id where members.name <> ''dbo'' ORDER BY members.name, roles.name'

    --PRINT @cmd

    EXEC (@cmd)

    -- Now add in any roles that are present in the database that do not have anyone assigned to them (those that are already in the temp table)

    SET @cmd = 'USE [' + @DBN + ']; INSERT INTO #dummyDBRoles SELECT CONVERT(varchar(200),name) AS RoleName, ''--none--'' As UserName, '''' AS UserType FROM sys.database_principals SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS WHERE type = ''R'' and is_fixed_role = 0 and name <> ''public'' AND (name NOT IN (SELECT RoleName FROM #dummyDBRoles))'

    --PRINT @cmd

    EXEC (@cmd)

    --Get the length of the longest occurance of the columns

    SELECT @rnmax = ISNULL(MAX(len(RoleName)),0) FROM #dummyDBRoles

    SELECT @unmax = ISNULL(MAX(len(UserName)),0) FROM #dummyDBRoles

    SELECT @utmax = ISNULL(MAX(len(UserType)),0) FROM #dummyDBRoles

    --Set some minimum values so column doesn't print short

    if @rnmax < 25 SET @rnmax = 25

    if @unmax < 25 SET @unmax = 25

    if @utmax < 25 SET @utmax = 25

    --Set and print the column headings for the role information

    SET @col1nm = 'RoleName'

    SET @col1len = @rnmax

    SET @col2nm = ''

    SET @col2len = 5

    SET @col3nm = 'UserName'

    SET @col3len = @unmax

    SET @col4nm = ''

    SET @col4len = 5

    SET @col5nm = 'UserType'

    SET @col5len = @utmax

    PRINT ' '

    PRINT SPACE(10) + @col1nm + SPACE(@col1len-len(@col1nm)) + SPACE(@col2len) + @col3nm + SPACE(@col3len-len(@col3nm)) + SPACE(@col4len) + @col5nm + SPACE(@col5len-len(@col5nm))

    PRINT SPACE(10) + REPLICATE('=',@col1len) + SPACE(@col2len) + REPLICATE('=',@col3len) + SPACE(@col4len) + REPLICATE('=',@col5len)

    -- Print the script to set the database context

    if @outputtype = 2


    PRINT 'USE ' + @DBN

    PRINT 'GO'

    PRINT ' '


    --statement to get all roles for this database

    --SELECT name FROM sys.database_principals WHERE type = 'R' and is_fixed_role = 0 and name <> 'public'

    --can use to script the CREATE ROLE statements

    -- Now loop through the roles

    DECLARE backupFiles2 CURSOR FOR

    SELECT RoleName, UserName, UserType FROM #dummyDBRoles ORDER BY RoleName

    OPEN backupFiles2

    -- Loop through all the files for the database

    FETCH NEXT FROM backupFiles2 INTO @rn, @un, @ut



    --Set and print the row details for the role information

    SET @col1nm = SUBSTRING(@rn,1,@rnmax)

    SET @col3nm = SUBSTRING(@un,1,@unmax)

    SET @col5nm = SUBSTRING(@ut,1,@utmax)

    if @outputtype = 1

    PRINT SPACE(10) + @col1nm + SPACE(@col1len-len(@col1nm)) + SPACE(@col2len) + @col3nm + SPACE(@col3len-len(@col3nm)) + SPACE(@col4len) + @col5nm + SPACE(@col5len-len(@col5nm))

    if @outputtype = 2


    if @col3nm <> '--none--'

    PRINT 'exec sp_addrolemember [' + @col1nm + '], [' + @col3nm + '] --Usertype= ' + @col5nm


    PRINT SPACE(10) + @col1nm + SPACE(@col1len-len(@col1nm)) + SPACE(@col2len) + @col3nm + SPACE(@col3len-len(@col3nm)) + SPACE(@col4len) + @col5nm + SPACE(@col5len-len(@col5nm))


    FETCH NEXT FROM backupFiles2 INTO @rn, @un, @ut


    CLOSE backupFiles2

    DEALLOCATE backupFiles2

    PRINT ' '

    PRINT ' '


    if @includeobjlvlperms = 1


    /* ================================================================================================================================================================= */

    /* Object-Level Permissions Information */

    --Start with a clean table to load the values

    TRUNCATE TABLE #dummyDBPerms

    -- Get permissions for this database and load into the temp table

    -- I'm sure some of this part came from elsewhere. My appologies to the originator.

    SET @cmd = 'USE [' + @DBN + ']; INSERT INTO #dummyDBPerms '

    SET @cmd = @cmd + 'select p.state_desc, p.permission_name, s.name, o.name, u.name, CASE o.type WHEN ''P'' THEN ''SPROC''

    WHEN ''V'' THEN ''View''

    WHEN ''U'' THEN ''Table''

    WHEN ''FN'' THEN ''Function (scaler)''

    WHEN ''TF'' THEN ''Function (table-valued)''

    ELSE o.type_desc END AS ObjectType,

    CONVERT(varchar(200),u.type_desc) AS UserType

    from sys.database_permissions p

    inner join sys.objects o on p.major_id = o.object_id

    inner join sys.schemas s on s.schema_id = o.schema_id

    inner join sys.database_principals u on p.grantee_principal_id = u.principal_id

    ORDER BY o.type, o.name collate Latin1_general_CI_AS, u.name collate Latin1_general_CI_AS'

    --PRINT @cmd

    EXEC (@cmd)

    --Get the length of the longest occurance of each of the columns

    SELECT @sdmax = ISNULL(MAX(len(StateDesc)),0) FROM #dummyDBPerms

    SELECT @pnmax = ISNULL(MAX(len(PermName)),0) FROM #dummyDBPerms

    SELECT @snmax = ISNULL(MAX(len(SchemaName)),0) FROM #dummyDBPerms

    SELECT @onmax = ISNULL(MAX(len(ObjectName)),0) FROM #dummyDBPerms

    SELECT @unmax = ISNULL(MAX(len(UserName)),0) FROM #dummyDBPerms

    SELECT @pdmax = ISNULL(MAX(len(ObjectType)),0) FROM #dummyDBPerms

    SELECT @utmax = ISNULL(MAX(len(UserType)),0) FROM #dummyDBPerms

    --Set some minimum values so column doesn't print short

    if @sdmax < 15 SET @sdmax = 15

    if @pnmax < 15 SET @pnmax = 15

    if @snmax < 10 SET @snmax = 10

    if @onmax < 15 SET @onmax = 15

    if @unmax < 15 SET @unmax = 15

    if @pdmax < 15 SET @pdmax = 15--ObjectType

    if @utmax < 15 SET @utmax = 15--UserType

    --Set and print the column headings for the permissions information

    SET @col1nm = 'StateDesc'

    SET @col1len = @sdmax

    SET @col2nm = ''

    SET @col2len = 5

    SET @col3nm = 'PermName'

    SET @col3len = @pnmax

    SET @col4nm = ''

    SET @col4len = 5

    SET @col5nm = 'Schema'

    SET @col5len = @snmax

    SET @col6nm = ''

    SET @col6len = 5

    SET @col7nm = 'Object'

    SET @col7len = @onmax

    SET @col8nm = ''

    SET @col8len = 5

    SET @col9nm = 'User'

    SET @col9len = @unmax

    SET @col10nm = ''

    SET @col10len = 5

    SET @col11nm = 'ObjectType'

    SET @col11len = @pdmax

    SET @col12nm = ''

    SET @col12len = 5

    SET @col13nm = 'UserType'

    SET @col13len = @utmax

    PRINT ' '

    PRINT SPACE(10) + @col1nm + SPACE(@col1len-len(@col1nm)) + SPACE(@col2len) + @col3nm + SPACE(@col3len-len(@col3nm)) + SPACE(@col4len)+ @col5nm + SPACE(@col5len-len(@col5nm)) + SPACE(@col6len)+ @col7nm + SPACE(@col7len-len(@col7nm)) + SPACE(@col8len) + @col9nm + SPACE(@col9len-len(@col9nm)) + SPACE(@col10len) + @col11nm + SPACE(@col11len-len(@col11nm)) + SPACE(@col12len) + @col13nm + SPACE(@col13len-len(@col13nm))

    PRINT SPACE(10) + REPLICATE('=',@col1len) + SPACE(@col2len) + REPLICATE('=',@col3len) + SPACE(@col4len) + REPLICATE('=',@col5len) + SPACE(@col6len) + REPLICATE('=',@col7len) + SPACE(@col8len) + REPLICATE('=',@col9len) + SPACE(@col10len) + REPLICATE('=',@col11len) + SPACE(@col12len) + REPLICATE('=',@col13len)

    --Loop through the permissions for this database and format and print them

    DECLARE backupFiles2 CURSOR FOR

    SELECT StateDesc,PermName,SchemaName,ObjectName,UserName,ObjectType,UserType FROM #dummyDBPerms ORDER BY Schemaname,ObjectName,UserName

    OPEN backupFiles2

    -- Loop through all the files for the database

    FETCH NEXT FROM backupFiles2 INTO @sd, @pn, @SN, @on, @un, @pd, @ut



    --Set and print the row details for the permissions information

    SET @col1nm = SUBSTRING(@sd,1,@sdmax)

    SET @col3nm = SUBSTRING(@pn,1,@pnmax)

    SET @col5nm = SUBSTRING(@sn,1,@snmax)

    SET @col7nm = SUBSTRING(@on,1,@onmax)

    SET @col9nm = SUBSTRING(@un,1,@unmax)

    SET @col11nm = SUBSTRING(@pd,1,@pdmax)

    SET @col13nm = SUBSTRING(@ut,1,@utmax)

    --print the detail record for the permissions

    if @outputtype = 1

    PRINT SPACE(10) + @col1nm + SPACE(@col1len-len(@col1nm)) + SPACE(@col2len) + @col3nm + SPACE(@col3len-len(@col3nm)) + SPACE(@col4len)+ @col5nm + SPACE(@col5len-len(@col5nm)) + SPACE(@col6len)+ @col7nm + SPACE(@col7len-len(@col7nm)) + SPACE(@col8len) + @col9nm + SPACE(@col9len-len(@col9nm)) + SPACE(@col10len) + @col11nm + SPACE(@col11len-len(@col11nm)) + SPACE(@col12len) + @col13nm + SPACE(@col13len-len(@col13nm))

    if @outputtype = 2

    PRINT @col1nm + ' ' + @col3nm + ' ON [' + @col5nm + '].[' + @col7nm + '] TO [' + @col9nm + '] --ObjectType=' + @col11nm + ' UserType=' + @col13nm

    FETCH NEXT FROM backupFiles2 INTO @sd, @pn, @SN, @on, @un, @pd,@ut


    CLOSE backupFiles2

    DEALLOCATE backupFiles2

    PRINT ' '

    PRINT ' '


    PRINT '==========================================================================================================='

    --Get the next database name and info to use in the database loop

    FETCH NEXT FROM backupFiles INTO @DBN, @rm, @cl, @rwd


    CLOSE backupFiles

    DEALLOCATE backupFiles

    /* =============================================================================================== */

    --Dispose of the temporary tables

    DROP TABLE #DummyDBDesc

    DROP TABLE #dummyDBRoles

    DROP TABLE #dummyDBUsers

    DROP TABLE #dummyDBPerms