Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 Data Corruption DB corrupted with event 17052 and Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 2 RE: DB corrupted with event 17052 and Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 2

  • halifaxdal (9/13/2011)

    Then wait 400 years untill mankind lives without money and all will be good.

    I would really very much like to have money to spend, I just don't see the chance it will get approved by a top 5 bank

    I personally feel I owe you guys and will surely invite you for a traditional Chinese brunch if I had the opportunity. That's very yummy......:-P

    In the meantime, learn this stuff or ask more precise questions :-D.


    The meal is nice. That's the airfare that's going to kill ya ;-).