• CirquedeSQLeil (3/14/2011)

    bitbucket-25253 (3/14/2011)

    Here we go again -- the specified as correct answer is an item to be depreciated in a future release of SQL Server and one possible answer, and the one I was unfortunate to select is currently available in all the SQL Server editions specified by the question and does work. So this question which should be teaching us something does exactly the opposite, it encourages us to use an item to be depreciated and declares the another selection as incorrect, but which is available and does work in the specified editions...

    From the cited reference to justify the answer


    This Microsoft SQL Server 2000 system function is included for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes (Transact-SQL instead.

    Alas and alack woe is me ......

    And now I have a suggested QOD which is:

    I was bit by the same bug. I chose the more current command that is still available and got it wrong. I tested the query of sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes and verified that it does work.

    Same here. I picked the current command, not the one being deprecated. Ah, well.
