• Hi,

    i need to read the file in the internet to my SQL Server directly, like this:




    SELECT *

    FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'http://www.w3schools.com/XML/cd_catalog.xml', SINGLE_BLOB) rs;

    INSERT INTO dbo.CD_Info (Title, Artist, Country, Company, Price, YearReleased)

    SELECT Title = x.data.value('TITLE[1]','varchar(100)'),

    Artist = x.data.value('ARTIST[1]','varchar(100)'),

    Country = x.data.value('COUNTRY[1]','varchar(25)'),

    Company = x.data.value('COMPANY[1]','varchar(100)'),

    Price = x.data.value('PRICE[1]','numeric(5,2)'),

    YearReleased = x.data.value('YEAR[1]','smallint')

    FROM @CD t

    CROSS APPLY t.XMLData.nodes('/CATALOG/CD') x(data);


    it is possible?

    The article is perfect for me but I can not use the c:\doc.xml, I have to use the http://xxxxxxx.xxxx.xml

    I have an ASP page that reads the XML directly from the Internet, but I do not want my clients to read directly from the Internet, I want to read from my SQL server.


    the page is like this:

    <%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" CodePage ="1252" %>

    <!--#include file="CnnInc.asp"-->






    <h1>Noticias from XML</h1>

    <script language="JavaScript">

    function trim(str, chars) {

    return ltrim(rtrim(str, chars), chars);


    function ltrim(str, chars) {

    chars = chars || "\\s";

    return str.replace(new RegExp("^[" + chars + "]+", "g"), "");


    function rtrim(str, chars) {

    chars = chars || "\\s";

    return str.replace(new RegExp("[" + chars + "]+$", "g"), "");


    function showhide(element){

    var e=document.getElementById(element);

    if (e.style.display == "block")

    e.style.display = "none";


    e.style.display = "block";


    var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")




    nodes = xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes

    document.write(nodes.length + " noticias");

    for (i=0;i<nodes.length;i++)

    if (nodes.item(i).nodeType==1) {

    nodes2 = nodes(i).childNodes

    //if (trim(nodes2.item(1).text) == "Mercados" || trim(nodes2.item(1).text) == "Economia") {

    document.write("<div class='noticia'><a href='#' onclick='showhide(\"noticia" + i + "\")'><strong> " + nodes2.item(1).text + "</strong> " + nodes2.item(2).text + "</a><br />")

    document.write("<div id='noticia" + i + "' class='artigo' style='display: none;'>" + nodes2.item(3).text + "</div>")






