• ta.bu.shi.da.yu (1/26/2011)

    Rahul The Dba (1/25/2011)

    aaron-403220 (1/25/2011)

    Just to ask a foolish question, but is that real data?

    Are those real names and birthdates?

    What will you do with that ????????

    Still i am answering your foolish question, yes it is a real data

    You should be fired for your incredible incompetence and stupidity.

    The above comment may sound harsh, however the poster is correct.

    You have shown a flagrant disregard for data security. Is this data sourced from your employer? In the UK, we have Data Protection laws. If I was to have exposed 'real' data as you have, I would be fired and my employer fined.

    As a DBA, you are the guardian of the data. You however have shown a very laxadaisical attitude to the trust placed in you.

    Your comment above also indicates that you don't realise what you have done wrong. That makes it worse as you consider yourself a dba.