• I think I am missing something here... The database is compatibility level 80 and the script tries to create a proc in that database and expects it to trap the ones that error out because they aren't compatible with level 90. If compatibility level applies to the whole database then how can it error out on a proc that isn't being created on a level 90 database? I've got a stored procedure in a level 80 database that I believe should be incompatible in level 90 and above because no WITH keyword is with the locking hint, something like...

    Create procedure dbo.test_with


    select col1, col2, col5 from dbo.table nolock


    When I run the script it doesn't report the procedure as a problem.

    Either I don't understand something I need to do with the script or I don't understand the compatibility differences here


    Can anyone enlighten me about this?
