• Doug Bishop (11/29/2010)Okay, I am confused; license cost for what? A stored procedure is a script that has been saved to the database using CREATE PROCEDURE procname. There are no licensing costs, the procedure gets backed up everytime the database is backed up. If you have version control software, it can be used with SQL Server. If you don't want to integrate it into SQL Server, then script the procedure and save that manually under version control.

    The only reason they have in our shop for using scripts is, "that is the way it used to be done so that is how they are still doing it." Whenever I have to go in and maintain code that is in a script that is run through OSQL, I change it to a stored procedure and delete the old script code form the server.

    If you are using version control then you would use the script held in version control as the definitive copy. Relying on backups to keep a history of version of a procedure is not workable when there are more than one developer working on a project or if you need to keep an accurate history of changes. Making changes on the fly is also not acceptable on systems that require the code changes to be accountable, and when you start to implement releases rather than ad-hoc changes you will usually need to run one or more script (procedure or otherwise) in a given order and in a reliable way.. hence the reason for this thread.
