• This was a good question, with a clearly correct answer.

    All the suggestions that "none of the above" is the correct answer surprised me, and the absolutely illogical arguments supporting that position surprised me even more. It seems to me that people fell into an obvious error, and did itsolely because they were looking for a non-existent trick in the question: multivalued logics are far better than two valued logics in many circumstances, but you have to decide what the values other than "true" and "false" mean and if you don't have meanings for those values you don't have a meaningful multivalued logic - and it seems quite clear from the arguments presented that there was no attempt to assign any particular meaning to any truth value that was "none of the above".

    It might be arguable that because the recovery model has nothing to do with supporting database snapshots the correct answer should be "false" because it is not the recovery model that actually supports it but something else, but it is absolute nonsense to conclude that because there are some databases which don't permit database snapshot the correct answer is neither "true" nor "false".
