• WayneS (10/16/2010)

    Lynn Pettis (10/15/2010)

    PaulB-TheOneAndOnly (10/15/2010)

    nick.mcdermaid (10/14/2010)

    I'm impressed with Oracle packages as they almost seem like classes to me

    -Variables which 'reflect' existing table meta data

    -Custom data types

    -Multiple 'methods' within the package all returning different types

    ...and you are absolutely correct.

    Are you old enough to remember Ada - the programming language? packages come from there.

    I remember ADA, took a couple of courses that used it in college? I may still have the books some where at home.

    Does the language still live or has it gone the way of the dinosaur?

    You guys are aging yourselves... I'm kinda old, and the only thing I remember about this is hearing about it! :w00t:

    Okay, how old do you think I am?