• Thank you for the article, Leo! I found it interesting. A couple of questions please. Could you clarify what is behind this line:

    raiserror (51080, 10, 1); -- Alert that will start job

    I am just curious about possible implementations. I have been starting jobs from T-SQL code using sp_start_job procedure, but is there a way to actually trigger it from the alert?

    Secondly, I would like to better understand the mechanism for transferring changed records. Here is my understanding. We have a control table on the Destination server and, based on this table, we know the ID's of the records we need to bring in (where Processed_FLG is 'N'). We then wrap these ID's into an XML and pass this XML to the stored procedures on the Source server. When these procedures run, they grab necessary records and somehow push them to the Destination (via linked server or how?). Please let me know if this is correct.

    Thank you!