• As a woman in technology, I've been fortunate to work in generally enlightened workplaces. What I've struggled against is the perceived career path for women in IT, which is to promptly get away from the technical to move towards more "soft skills" type roles like project management, BA work, or staff management. Stay in a technical role long enough and you will be looked at askance. I know there are technical men who also are uninterested in the management path and resist the general pressure to climb the ladder, but the subtle pressure to become a PM, BA, or supervisor seems to be a little stronger towards women. I happen to LIKE the guts and moving parts of the technical side, and I know I wouldn't succeed as a manager. We all have to mentor others and I do enjoy that, but please don't assume that because I wear a skirt, I want an office with a door and staff reporting to me. I'd like to keep my hands "dirty" in the infrastructure and apps, thanks very much. 😉