• Steve Jones - SSC Editor (10/7/2010)

    TravisDBA (10/7/2010)

    The world of today is miles beyond where it was in 1910

    Sometimes, when I stop and look at the state of everything today, I'm not always so sure that is a good thing..... 😀

    I certainly understand that. I'm not sure everything is better. Seems to me an overall work ethic is lacking that used to be more appreciated in our young people.

    True story! Back in our day you had to "pay your dues first", and we accepted that. But kids today want $80-90K all in their first year out of college nowadays, and what's even worse they don't listen either. To really learn and do well in this business you have to listen... 😀

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"