updating records from one table using SELECT on another table

  • I'm trying to update a table's column (integer value) with a SELECT on another table both keyed to a common key field "peopleID"
    update My_DB..people p set p.certstatusid = select c.statusid from My_DB..certs c
    Do I need to add a WHERE clause?
    WHERE p.peopleID = c.peopleID

  • briancampbellmcad - Thursday, January 31, 2019 1:16 PM

    I'm trying to update a table's column (integer value) with a SELECT on another table both keyed to a common key field "peopleID"
    update My_DB..people p set p.certstatusid = select c.statusid from My_DB..certs c
    Do I need to add a WHERE clause?
    WHERE p.peopleID = c.peopleID

    In SQL Server you can write UPDATE like a select.
    For example, if you had 
    SELECT c.statusid 
    FROM My_DB..people p
    INNER JOIN My_DB..certs c ON c.peopleID = c.peopleID

    You could change it to an UPDATE like this:
    UPDATE p
    SET p.statusid = c.statusid 
    FROM My_DB..people p
    INNER JOIN My_DB..certs c ON c.peopleID = c.peopleID

    For your query you would need WHERE within the SELECT. You would have to make sure the select only returns 1 row. If it didn't return a row the column would be updated to NULL. If it returned more than one row you would get an error. You also need brackets around the select statement.

  • Thanks.... the second one using INNER JOIN worked perfectly

  • That format also makes it very convenient to run a SELECT test before the UPDATE, like so:

    UPDATE p
    SET p.statusid = c.statusid
    --SELECT /*TOP (nn)*/ c.statusid, p.*
    FROM My_DB..people p
    INNER JOIN My_DB..certs c ON c.peopleID = c.peopleID

    Highlight from the SELECT on to run the test SELECT, then run the whole thing to do the UPDATE.
    Btw, note that it's critical to update the alias name, not the original table name.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

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