PowerBI Desktop error while trying to load data

  • Hi, I'm completely new to PowerBI, and I'd like to play around with the tool but I can't load the data the way I'd like (basically, I'm trying to load a measure with one or more dimensions).

    The  error I get is:
    "DataSource.Error: AnalysisServices: Server: The operation has been cancelled because there is not enough memory available for the application. If using a 32-bit version of the product, consider upgrading to the 64-bit version or increasing the amount of memory available on the machine."

    Note: The same selection works just fine when I browse the cube from SSMS.

    How  to reproduce the issue:
    I downloaded PowerBI and AdventureWorksDW2014Multidimensional-SE.
    So I selected Analysis Services Data Source and selected localhost (with import option).
    Next, I selected 'Order Count' from 'Sales Order' group of measures and 'Geography' dimension.

    The same occurs with all kinds of measure+dimensions combination. I have a 32-bit version of Office installed but even with a 64-bit version the issue is just delayed, right?
    Shoud I use the tool in a different manner? With other BI tools I usually drag&drop measures/dimensions and model the dashboard looking at the tables/plots. Here it seems mandatory to write MDX/DAX queries to limit the amount of loaded data.

  • What happens if you use the 64-bit version? The problem with a 32-bit application is that it can only address about 3.5 GB or memory.

  • Not sure, because I don't own a copy of 64-bit version.
    However, after some research I believe you're right. The best solution would be to upgrade to 64-bit version (extending the maximum ram limit from 4GB to 16 EB).
    My  workaround for the moment consists in selecting the slices with more precise criteria (so I'm selecting only the necessary attributes of the dimension - that helped a lot).
    I tried to increase the HardMemoryLimit of AnalysisServices but I didn't notice any improvement.

    Thanks for the hint!

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