How to delete physical file associated with File stream

  • Hi

    How to delete physical file associated with File stream.
    we are using file stream for storing scanned images. image details stored in a table and images associated with file stream
    i wish to delete both table data and associated file stream physical file

    Table structure

        [ATTACHMENT_ID] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL,
        [SORT_ORDER] [int] NULL,
        [FILE_FSTREAM] [varbinary](max) FILESTREAM NULL,
        [UPDATED_ON] [datetime] NOT NULL,
        [UPDATED_BY] [varchar](16) NOT NULL

    Pls advise the sql for delete data from above table and associated file stream physical file 

    Also how to reduce the database size after deleting data from file stream table


  • When you delete data from a filestream table, SQL eventually automatically goes and cleans up the file on-disk.  This will happen (potentially) the next time a garbage collection process runs.  See this post by Paul Randall for more on that:

    As for "reduce the database size" what exactly are you talking about?  The MDF / LDF files or the Filestream folder on disk?  If it's the latter, then when the garbage collection runs, the now unneeded file(s) will be removed and the space on disk will be freed up.  If the former, then you'd have to do a shrink operation, BUT because the file(s) you delete don't actually exist *in* those files, you won't get a lot of space freed up.

  • Hi,

    Database size is 103 GB (MDF + LDF + FILESTREAM)

    Type FileNameFileGroupCurrentSizeMBFreeSpaceMb
    LOG SHIPMATE_LOGNULL71768.12527267.69531

    I have deleted all file stream physical file from folder, but DB size is not reduced from 103 GB
    FILESTREAM size again 24 gb

    how to reduce FILESTREAM size


  • Did you read the article I linked to?
    You *don't* reduce the size of the filestream, the automated garbage collection will remove the files when SQL is sure it doesn't need them anymore.
    You *might* be able to force it to clean up sooner by running a backup of the database, but you'll still need to wait for a checkpoint to run.

  • Hi,

    deleted all file stream related file from folder.
    size of database folder in decreased to 20 GB (103 gb is  before deleting files)
    In Management studio, right click on database, properties - general tab Size is 103 gb

    I have taken database backup (backup file size is also less) and restored as another name
    new database also showing 103 gb when taking size in database properties
    but new database folder size is less (20 gb , all file mdb, log and file stream folder)

    How can correct size in the property window.


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