Query not return any records although it give me result but in another database

  • Problem

    How to trace this query to know the reason of why it return null records .

    query below work in database and give me results but not give me any result in another database

    How to debug or trace it to know why it not give me any result .

    SELECT   TrxInvH.Trxtype, TrxInvH.TrxYear, TrxInvH.TrxSerial, TrxInvH.TrxDate, Items.ItemAraName, Items.ItemLatName, Units.UnitLatName,
                      Stores.StoreAraName, Stores.StoreLatName, Units.UnitAraName, TrxInvF.displayQty, TrxInvF.Quantity, TrxInvF.Price, TrxInvF.Displayprice,
                      trxtypeConfig.TrxArbName, trxtypeConfig.TrxEngName, TrxInvF.ItemCode, trxtypeConfig.BranchCode, Stores.StoreLatName AS Expr1,
                      Stores.StoreAraName AS TPSTOREARA, CASE WHEN TrxInvF.Account = '' OR
                      TrxInvF.Account IS NULL THEN TrxInvH.AccountID ELSE TrxInvF.Account END AS AccountCode,
                       (SELECT   AccAraName
                        FROM    Accounts
                        WHERE   (AccCode = (CASE WHEN TrxInvF.Account = '' OR
                                TrxInvF.Account IS NULL THEN TrxInvH.AccountID ELSE TrxInvF.Account END))) AS AccaraName,
                       (SELECT   AccEngName
                        FROM    Accounts AS Accounts_3
                        WHERE   (AccCode = (CASE WHEN TrxInvF.Account = '' OR
                                TrxInvF.Account IS NULL THEN TrxInvH.AccountID ELSE TrxInvF.Account END))) AS AccLatName, TrxInvF.SubLdgCode1,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgAraName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType1 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode1 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubAraName1,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgLatName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_26
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType1 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode1 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubLatName1, TrxInvF.SubLdgCode2,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgAraName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_25
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType2 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode2 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubAraName2,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgLatName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_24
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType2 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode2 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubLatName2, TrxInvF.SubLdgCode3,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgAraName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_23
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType3 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode3 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubAraName3,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgLatName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_22
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType3 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode3 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubLatName3, TrxInvF.SubLdgCode4,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgAraName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_21
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType4 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode4 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubAraName4,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgLatName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_20
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType4 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode4 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubLatName4, TrxInvF.SubLdgCode5,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgAraName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_19
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType5 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode5 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubAraName5,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgLatName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_18
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType5 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode5 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubLatName5, trxtypeConfig.CalcAvgPrice, trxtypeConfig.CalcFifoPrice, Items.AvgPrice1, Items.AvgPrice2, Items.TotalVal1, Items.TotalVal2,
                      Items.TotalQty1, Items.TotalQty2, TrxInvF.CostAverage, TrxInvH.createuserid, TrxInvH.CreateDateAndTime, TrxInvH.UserId, TrxInvH.DateAndTime
             FROM    TrxInvH INNER JOIN
                      TrxInvF ON TrxInvH.BranchCode = TrxInvF.BranchCode AND TrxInvH.Trxtype = TrxInvF.Trxtype AND TrxInvH.TrxYear = TrxInvF.TrxYear AND
                      TrxInvH.TrxSerial = TrxInvF.TrxSerial INNER JOIN
                      trxtypeConfig ON TrxInvF.BranchCode = trxtypeConfig.BranchCode AND TrxInvF.Trxtype = trxtypeConfig.trxtypecode INNER JOIN
                      Units ON TrxInvF.Unitcode = Units.UnitCode INNER JOIN
                      Items ON TrxInvF.ItemCode = Items.ItemCode INNER JOIN
                      Stores ON TrxInvF.StoreId = Stores.StoreCode AND TrxInvF.BranchCode = Stores.BranchCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      AllSubLedgerCode AS allsubledgercode_4 ON TrxInvF.SubLdgCode4 = allsubledgercode_4.SubLdgCode AND
                      TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType4 = allsubledgercode_4.SubLdgTypeCode AND TrxInvF.SubLdgBranch4 = allsubledgercode_4.BranchCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      AllSubLedgerCode AS allsubledgercode_3 ON TrxInvF.SubLdgCode3 = allsubledgercode_3.SubLdgCode AND
                      TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType3 = allsubledgercode_3.SubLdgTypeCode AND TrxInvF.SubLdgBranch3 = allsubledgercode_3.BranchCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      AllSubLedgerCode AS allsubledgercode_2 ON TrxInvF.SubLdgBranch2 = allsubledgercode_2.BranchCode AND
                      TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType1 = allsubledgercode_2.SubLdgTypeCode AND TrxInvF.SubLdgCode2 = allsubledgercode_2.SubLdgCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_17 ON TrxInvF.SubLdgCode1 = AllSubLedgerCode_17.SubLdgCode AND
                      TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType1 = AllSubLedgerCode_17.SubLdgTypeCode AND
                      TrxInvF.SubLdgBranch1 = AllSubLedgerCode_17.BranchCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      AllSubLedgerCode AS allsubledgercode_1 ON TrxInvH.BranchCode = allsubledgercode_1.BranchCode AND
                      TrxInvH.TargetType = allsubledgercode_1.SubLdgTypeCode AND TrxInvH.TargetCode = allsubledgercode_1.SubLdgCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      AllSubLedgerCode AS allsubledgercode_5 ON TrxInvF.SubLdgCode5 = allsubledgercode_5.SubLdgCode AND
                      TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType5 = allsubledgercode_5.SubLdgTypeCode AND TrxInvF.SubLdgBranch5 = allsubledgercode_5.BranchCode WHERE 1 = 1

  • Do the databases have exactly the same tables and records?

  • yes

  • pietlinden - Sunday, March 11, 2018 9:49 PM

    Do the databases have exactly the same tables and records?

    If that's actually true, then either there's row-level security on the server you get no records from (a permissions issue), or the query you run on both databases is in some way different between the two databases.   Alternatively, your initial premise is false.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • You've a ton of subqueries and joins in there, start with one table then add the joins back in one at a time.  That should give you an idea of where the queries start to run different between the two databases.

  • pietlinden - Sunday, March 11, 2018 9:49 PM

    Do the databases have exactly the same tables and records?

    ahmed_elbarbary.2010 - Monday, March 12, 2018 1:19 AM


    I wonder, how have you verified this?


  • This query has 16 separate references to the AllSubLedgerCode table, which is likely to be more of a problem for you in the future than being unable to figure out why it won't run in a second environment.

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ahmed_elbarbary.2010 - Sunday, March 11, 2018 7:44 PM


    How to trace this query to know the reason of why it return null records .

    query below work in database and give me results but not give me any result in another database

    How to debug or trace it to know why it not give me any result .

    SELECT   TrxInvH.Trxtype, TrxInvH.TrxYear, TrxInvH.TrxSerial, TrxInvH.TrxDate, Items.ItemAraName, Items.ItemLatName, Units.UnitLatName,
                      Stores.StoreAraName, Stores.StoreLatName, Units.UnitAraName, TrxInvF.displayQty, TrxInvF.Quantity, TrxInvF.Price, TrxInvF.Displayprice,
                      trxtypeConfig.TrxArbName, trxtypeConfig.TrxEngName, TrxInvF.ItemCode, trxtypeConfig.BranchCode, Stores.StoreLatName AS Expr1,
                      Stores.StoreAraName AS TPSTOREARA, CASE WHEN TrxInvF.Account = '' OR
                      TrxInvF.Account IS NULL THEN TrxInvH.AccountID ELSE TrxInvF.Account END AS AccountCode,
                       (SELECT   AccAraName
                        FROM    Accounts
                        WHERE   (AccCode = (CASE WHEN TrxInvF.Account = '' OR
                                TrxInvF.Account IS NULL THEN TrxInvH.AccountID ELSE TrxInvF.Account END))) AS AccaraName,
                       (SELECT   AccEngName
                        FROM    Accounts AS Accounts_3
                        WHERE   (AccCode = (CASE WHEN TrxInvF.Account = '' OR
                                TrxInvF.Account IS NULL THEN TrxInvH.AccountID ELSE TrxInvF.Account END))) AS AccLatName, TrxInvF.SubLdgCode1,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgAraName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType1 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode1 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubAraName1,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgLatName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_26
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType1 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode1 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubLatName1, TrxInvF.SubLdgCode2,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgAraName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_25
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType2 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode2 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubAraName2,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgLatName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_24
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType2 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode2 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubLatName2, TrxInvF.SubLdgCode3,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgAraName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_23
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType3 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode3 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubAraName3,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgLatName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_22
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType3 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode3 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubLatName3, TrxInvF.SubLdgCode4,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgAraName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_21
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType4 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode4 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubAraName4,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgLatName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_20
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType4 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode4 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubLatName4, TrxInvF.SubLdgCode5,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgAraName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_19
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType5 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode5 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubAraName5,
                       (SELECT   SubLdgLatName
                        FROM    AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_18
                        WHERE   (TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType5 = SubLdgTypeCode) AND (TrxInvF.SubLdgCode5 = SubLdgCode) AND (TrxInvF.BranchCode = BranchCode))
                      AS SubLatName5, trxtypeConfig.CalcAvgPrice, trxtypeConfig.CalcFifoPrice, Items.AvgPrice1, Items.AvgPrice2, Items.TotalVal1, Items.TotalVal2,
                      Items.TotalQty1, Items.TotalQty2, TrxInvF.CostAverage, TrxInvH.createuserid, TrxInvH.CreateDateAndTime, TrxInvH.UserId, TrxInvH.DateAndTime
             FROM    TrxInvH INNER JOIN
                      TrxInvF ON TrxInvH.BranchCode = TrxInvF.BranchCode AND TrxInvH.Trxtype = TrxInvF.Trxtype AND TrxInvH.TrxYear = TrxInvF.TrxYear AND
                      TrxInvH.TrxSerial = TrxInvF.TrxSerial INNER JOIN
                      trxtypeConfig ON TrxInvF.BranchCode = trxtypeConfig.BranchCode AND TrxInvF.Trxtype = trxtypeConfig.trxtypecode INNER JOIN
                      Units ON TrxInvF.Unitcode = Units.UnitCode INNER JOIN
                      Items ON TrxInvF.ItemCode = Items.ItemCode INNER JOIN
                      Stores ON TrxInvF.StoreId = Stores.StoreCode AND TrxInvF.BranchCode = Stores.BranchCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      AllSubLedgerCode AS allsubledgercode_4 ON TrxInvF.SubLdgCode4 = allsubledgercode_4.SubLdgCode AND
                      TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType4 = allsubledgercode_4.SubLdgTypeCode AND TrxInvF.SubLdgBranch4 = allsubledgercode_4.BranchCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      AllSubLedgerCode AS allsubledgercode_3 ON TrxInvF.SubLdgCode3 = allsubledgercode_3.SubLdgCode AND
                      TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType3 = allsubledgercode_3.SubLdgTypeCode AND TrxInvF.SubLdgBranch3 = allsubledgercode_3.BranchCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      AllSubLedgerCode AS allsubledgercode_2 ON TrxInvF.SubLdgBranch2 = allsubledgercode_2.BranchCode AND
                      TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType1 = allsubledgercode_2.SubLdgTypeCode AND TrxInvF.SubLdgCode2 = allsubledgercode_2.SubLdgCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      AllSubLedgerCode AS AllSubLedgerCode_17 ON TrxInvF.SubLdgCode1 = AllSubLedgerCode_17.SubLdgCode AND
                      TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType1 = AllSubLedgerCode_17.SubLdgTypeCode AND
                      TrxInvF.SubLdgBranch1 = AllSubLedgerCode_17.BranchCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      AllSubLedgerCode AS allsubledgercode_1 ON TrxInvH.BranchCode = allsubledgercode_1.BranchCode AND
                      TrxInvH.TargetType = allsubledgercode_1.SubLdgTypeCode AND TrxInvH.TargetCode = allsubledgercode_1.SubLdgCode LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      AllSubLedgerCode AS allsubledgercode_5 ON TrxInvF.SubLdgCode5 = allsubledgercode_5.SubLdgCode AND
                      TrxInvF.SubLdgCodeType5 = allsubledgercode_5.SubLdgTypeCode AND TrxInvF.SubLdgBranch5 = allsubledgercode_5.BranchCode WHERE 1 = 1

    The above is really a pain to try and read.  I reformatted the code for others that may want to look at it:

      , [TrxInvH].[TrxYear]
      , [TrxInvH].[TrxSerial]
      , [TrxInvH].[TrxDate]
      , [Items].[ItemAraName]
      , [Items].[ItemLatName]
      , [Units].[UnitLatName]
      , [Stores].[StoreAraName]
      , [Stores].[StoreLatName]
      , [Units].[UnitAraName]
      , [TrxInvF].[displayQty]
      , [TrxInvF].[Quantity]
      , [TrxInvF].[Price]
      , [TrxInvF].[Displayprice]
      , [trxtypeConfig].[TrxArbName]
      , [trxtypeConfig].[TrxEngName]
      , [TrxInvF].[ItemCode]
      , [trxtypeConfig].[BranchCode]
      , [Stores].[StoreLatName] AS [Expr1]
      , [Stores].[StoreAraName] AS [TPSTOREARA]
      , CASE
          WHEN [TrxInvF].[Account] = ''
               OR [TrxInvF].[Account] IS NULL
            THEN [TrxInvH].[AccountID]
          ELSE [TrxInvF].[Account]
        END                     AS [AccountCode]
      , (
            ([AccCode] = (CASE
                            WHEN [TrxInvF].[Account] = ''
                                 OR [TrxInvF].[Account] IS NULL
                              THEN [TrxInvH].[AccountID]
                            ELSE [TrxInvF].[Account]
        )                       AS [AccaraName]
      , (
            [Accounts] AS [Accounts_3]
            ([AccCode] = (CASE
                            WHEN [TrxInvF].[Account] = ''
                                 OR [TrxInvF].[Account] IS NULL
                              THEN [TrxInvH].[AccountID]
                            ELSE [TrxInvF].[Account]
        )                       AS [AccLatName]
      , [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode1]
      , (
            ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType1] = [SubLdgTypeCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode1] = [SubLdgCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[BranchCode]  = [BranchCode])
        )                       AS [SubAraName1]
      , (
            [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [AllSubLedgerCode_26]
            ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType1] = [SubLdgTypeCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode1] = [SubLdgCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[BranchCode]  = [BranchCode])
        )                       AS [SubLatName1]
      , [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode2]
      , (
            [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [AllSubLedgerCode_25]
            ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType2] = [SubLdgTypeCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode2] = [SubLdgCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[BranchCode]  = [BranchCode])
        )                       AS [SubAraName2]
      , (
            [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [AllSubLedgerCode_24]
            ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType2] = [SubLdgTypeCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode2] = [SubLdgCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[BranchCode]  = [BranchCode])
        )                       AS [SubLatName2]
      , [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode3]
      , (
            [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [AllSubLedgerCode_23]
            ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType3] = [SubLdgTypeCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode3] = [SubLdgCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[BranchCode]  = [BranchCode])
        )                       AS [SubAraName3]
      , (
            [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [AllSubLedgerCode_22]
            ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType3] = [SubLdgTypeCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode3] = [SubLdgCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[BranchCode]  = [BranchCode])
        )                       AS [SubLatName3]
      , [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode4]
      , (
            [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [AllSubLedgerCode_21]
            ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType4] = [SubLdgTypeCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode4] = [SubLdgCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[BranchCode]  = [BranchCode])
        )                       AS [SubAraName4]
      , (
            [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [AllSubLedgerCode_20]
            ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType4] = [SubLdgTypeCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode4] = [SubLdgCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[BranchCode]  = [BranchCode])
        )                       AS [SubLatName4]
      , [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode5]
      , (
            [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [AllSubLedgerCode_19]
            ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType5] = [SubLdgTypeCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode5] = [SubLdgCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[BranchCode]  = [BranchCode])
        )                       AS [SubAraName5]
      , (
            [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [AllSubLedgerCode_18]
            ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType5] = [SubLdgTypeCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode5] = [SubLdgCode])
            AND ([TrxInvF].[BranchCode]  = [BranchCode])
        )                       AS [SubLatName5]
      , [trxtypeConfig].[CalcAvgPrice]
      , [trxtypeConfig].[CalcFifoPrice]
      , [Items].[AvgPrice1]
      , [Items].[AvgPrice2]
      , [Items].[TotalVal1]
      , [Items].[TotalVal2]
      , [Items].[TotalQty1]
      , [Items].[TotalQty2]
      , [TrxInvF].[CostAverage]
      , [TrxInvH].[createuserid]
      , [TrxInvH].[CreateDateAndTime]
      , [TrxInvH].[UserId]
      , [TrxInvH].[DateAndTime]
      INNER JOIN [TrxInvF]
        ON [TrxInvH].[BranchCode]          = [TrxInvF].[BranchCode]
           AND [TrxInvH].[Trxtype]         = [TrxInvF].[Trxtype]
           AND [TrxInvH].[TrxYear]         = [TrxInvF].[TrxYear]
           AND [TrxInvH].[TrxSerial]       = [TrxInvF].[TrxSerial]
      INNER JOIN [trxtypeConfig]
        ON [TrxInvF].[BranchCode]          = [trxtypeConfig].[BranchCode]
           AND [TrxInvF].[Trxtype]         = [trxtypeConfig].[trxtypecode]
      INNER JOIN [Units]
        ON [TrxInvF].[Unitcode]            = [Units].[UnitCode]
      INNER JOIN [Items]
        ON [TrxInvF].[ItemCode]            = [Items].[ItemCode]
      INNER JOIN [Stores]
        ON [TrxInvF].[StoreId]             = [Stores].[StoreCode]
           AND [TrxInvF].[BranchCode]      = [Stores].[BranchCode]
      LEFT OUTER JOIN [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [allsubledgercode_4]
        ON [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode4]         = [allsubledgercode_4].[SubLdgCode]
           AND [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType4] = [allsubledgercode_4].[SubLdgTypeCode]
           AND [TrxInvF].[SubLdgBranch4]   = [allsubledgercode_4].[BranchCode]
      LEFT OUTER JOIN [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [allsubledgercode_3]
        ON [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode3]         = [allsubledgercode_3].[SubLdgCode]
           AND [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType3] = [allsubledgercode_3].[SubLdgTypeCode]
           AND [TrxInvF].[SubLdgBranch3]   = [allsubledgercode_3].[BranchCode]
      LEFT OUTER JOIN [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [allsubledgercode_2]
        ON [TrxInvF].[SubLdgBranch2]       = [allsubledgercode_2].[BranchCode]
           AND [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType1] = [allsubledgercode_2].[SubLdgTypeCode]
           AND [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode2]     = [allsubledgercode_2].[SubLdgCode]
      LEFT OUTER JOIN [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [AllSubLedgerCode_17]
        ON [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode1]         = [AllSubLedgerCode_17].[SubLdgCode]
           AND [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType1] = [AllSubLedgerCode_17].[SubLdgTypeCode]
           AND [TrxInvF].[SubLdgBranch1]   = [AllSubLedgerCode_17].[BranchCode]
      LEFT OUTER JOIN [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [allsubledgercode_1]
        ON [TrxInvH].[BranchCode]          = [allsubledgercode_1].[BranchCode]
           AND [TrxInvH].[TargetType]      = [allsubledgercode_1].[SubLdgTypeCode]
           AND [TrxInvH].[TargetCode]      = [allsubledgercode_1].[SubLdgCode]
      LEFT OUTER JOIN [AllSubLedgerCode] AS [allsubledgercode_5]
        ON [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCode5]         = [allsubledgercode_5].[SubLdgCode]
           AND [TrxInvF].[SubLdgCodeType5] = [allsubledgercode_5].[SubLdgTypeCode]
           AND [TrxInvF].[SubLdgBranch5]   = [allsubledgercode_5].[BranchCode]
      1 = 1;

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