Optimize sub queries into single query.

  • I have a query that gives a total count and then there is a sub query that diplays whether the records contains the word "Note" and displays the text accordingly . I was wondering if there is a way to optimize this query into one, since I'm calling the same table record twice,  or do I need it keep it separate because I don't want to group those two columns?

    Select Count(rowID) as XmlEventsCount,
    (Select case when exists (Select 11 from TicketEvents x where x.Status='NOTE' and x.RowID=1136394)
                                         THEN 'Yes' Else 'NO' END) SentToProvider
     From TicketEvents x
      Where x.RowID=1136394

    Please advise. Just trying to see if the above  query can be consolidated or if there is a better way to write this query.

  • Please will you post some table DDL, sample data and expected results?  Your query will return the same row count in every row, which I suspect isn't what you want.


  • When doing a subquery in the SELECT clause or as part of a CROSS APPLY, you typically want it to be correlated to the outer query.  Using the same alias for the outer query table and subquery table confuses the issue also, they should be different.  As John mentioned, we can't really help you much with this without knowing the table definition, indexes, sample data, and expected result.

  • Select Count(*) as XmlEventsCount,
        Max(case when x.Status = 'NOTE' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END) as SentToProvider
    From TicketEvents x
    Where x.RowID=1136394
    Group By x.RowID

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

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