Help with comparing previous row data values

  • I am having trouble trying to build the query that would populate the 'swap' column. It should have a value of 1 in a case where the INC & DEC values 'swapped' from one record to the next. What is a good way to go about this?
    Code to create sample data: 

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #mytable

    CREATE TABLE #mytable
       TestValue    INT,
       [Increase]    INT,
       [Decrease]    INT,
       [SWAP]        INT
    INSERT INTO #mytable
    SELECT '75','0','0','0'UNION ALL
    SELECT '77','1','0','0'UNION ALL
    SELECT '75','0','1','1'UNION ALL
    SELECT '76','1','0','1'UNION ALL
    SELECT '78','1','0','0'UNION ALL
    SELECT '67','0','1','1'
    SELECT *
    FROM #mytable

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to look at it.

  • Since you're in 2008, you can't use the more modern Windowing function methods of doing this, so you would need a self join.  So maybe something like this?
    UPDATE cur SET
      SWAP = CASE WHEN cur.Increase <> prev.Increase AND cur.Decrease <> prev.Decrease THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
    FROM #mytable cur
      LEFT OUTER JOIN #mytable prev ON cur.ID = prev.ID + 1;

  • Chris Harshman - Thursday, December 14, 2017 1:50 PM

    Since you're in 2008, you can't use the more modern Windowing function methods of doing this, so you would need a self join.  So maybe something like this?
    UPDATE cur SET
      SWAP = CASE WHEN cur.Increase <> prev.Increase AND cur.Decrease <> prev.Decrease THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
    FROM #mytable cur
      LEFT OUTER JOIN #mytable prev ON cur.ID = prev.ID + 1;

    That seems to work - Thanks!

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