SSRS and Large Data Set

  • I am trying to automate a data dump in SSRS but since the data set is large, I receive the out of memory error message. yes, SSRS is not designed for data dump report but this report is being requested frequently and I am trying to get it off my plate by automating it. Any thoughts/suggestions?

    Thank You,


  • What do you usually provide the report in ?
    If excel can handle the amount of data then you could create it in excel with the data connection.
    We are currently doing this for certain reports using our SSAS Tabular model.
    600k rows of data that only takes 6 seconds to populate.

  • Export to csv to minimize rendering.
    Preaggregating on the database to limit size?

  • matak - Thursday, July 20, 2017 7:12 PM

    What do you usually provide the report in ?
    If excel can handle the amount of data then you could create it in excel with the data connection.
    We are currently doing this for certain reports using our SSAS Tabular model.
    600k rows of data that only takes 6 seconds to populate.

    Thank you for the tip.....Depending on the nature of reports(raw data, aggregate, combination) and users (report consumers, savy users) my tools are Excel, SSRS, Tableau, and Power BI. I Have yet to explore SSAS though but I am leaning more towards just running the SQL code and duping it to CSV and let user handle it.

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