How to do a report which tallies up at the top, but then breaks down data if clicked?

  • Hi,

    Fairly new to reporting services. I have a table with the following fields

    userID, First Name, Last Name, Email, Date, Start Time, End time, hours, cost per hour, total cost

    There are multiple entries for the same users and i need a report that can sort them as follows:

    One entry only for each user with the UserID, first name, last name and grand total (i.e. total cost column for all entries for this user)
    Then when the report user clicks the user (a + button), i want it to show all the entries for that users (within a specified MONTH)

    is this possible and can you guys help me with this?
    I've thus far got the SRSS report to show all the columns in the report, but i can no idea how to get the above requirement working, any help appreciated


  • That's a drilldown report. It's covered in Brian Larson's book... and probably all over the place.  Here's a super quick video on YouTube.

  • Thanks pie,

    I managed to do it via drill down report.
    Just wanted to ask, is there any way of making the drill down data appear above the row. - I use SUM totals and it looks weird having the SUM Totals above the breakdown drill down data .
    Can you have it appear above when u click the + button?


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