Moving tables from one server to another.. hit a wall, please help

  • I am pretty sure I am on the right track but hit a wall.

    I have 2 different SQL servers, one of them has a bunch of tables that are refreshed every 2 hours. We can not connected directly to those sources, instead we have to move the data we want off to another location, which we have in another server and database we have set up for just that purpose. The underlying issue is that the structure can change, so when I move the tables I have to drop the existing ones and recreate them.

    In a control flow I have created a SQL Task to pull the list of tables that I want

    I then created a foreach loop container iterating through all of the tables User::TableName

    Inside the container I added another Execute SQL task where I drop each table if it exists

    I then linked that to a data flow task , here is where the wall is.

    I think I should be able to create and Olesource and set the dataaccess mode to table name or view name variable and then create and oledestination, I was hoping I could set it to create but no matter how I configure it I just can not seem to get there.


  • Manually recreating your source and destination to accommodate the changes should be no problem. Having the package do it automatically at runtime is basically not possible.

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