date string conversion...

  • i'm trying to create a few custom queries using the

    sysjobs & sysjobhistory tables.

    i'm coming across the following 2 columns:

    run_date int ---> Date the job or step started execution.

    run_time int ---> Time the job or step started.

    the [run_date] column comes out like: 20061128

    the [run_time] column comes out like: 80000

    the query is no problem, but i would like to convert

    the run_date into some thing like: '06 Nov. 11 Tuesday

    and convert the run_time into some thing like 8:00am.

    not to make matters more complicated but i would also like to combine

    the 2 columns so they appear as one in the output.

    for example: '06 Nov. 11 Tuesday 8:00am etc.

    would this be difficult to set up??

    thanks in advance!


  • Select

    Top 1 SubString(Convert(Char(4), DatePart(year, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2)))), 3, 2)+' '+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(36), DateName(month, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2)))), 1, 3)+'. '+

    Convert(Char(2), DatePart(dd, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2))))+' '+

    DateName(dw, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2)))+' '+

    Convert(Char(2), DatePart(hh, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2))))+'hr '+

    Convert(Char(2), DatePart(mi, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2))))+'mn '+

    Convert(Char(2), DatePart(ss, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then "00000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then "0000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then "000"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then "00"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then "0"+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2))))+'sec '

    From msdb.dbo.sysjobs l_sj

    Inner Join msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory l_sjh

    On l_sj.job_id = l_sjh.job_id

    Order By "Run Date" Desc


  • Y I K E S!

    let me dive right into this and see if i can understand whats going on.



  • can you not simply use right('0000000' + ltrim(str(run_time)), 6) or whatever it is?




    something along the lines of



    ltrim(str(run_date))+ ' '+stuff(stuff(right('000000'+ltrim(str(run_time)), 6) , 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':')

     as datetime)

    from sysjobhistory

  • select convert(datetime,

    left(convert(varchar(8),run_date),4)+'-'+substring(convert(varchar(8),run_date),5,2)+'-'+right(convert(varchar(8),run_date),2)+' '+

    case len(run_time) when 6 then

    left(convert(varchar(6),run_time),2)+':'+substring(convert(varchar(6),run_time) ,3,2)+':'+right(convert(varchar(6),run_time),2)


    left('0'+convert(varchar(6),run_time) ,2)+':'+substring('0'+convert(varchar(6),run_time) ,3,2)+':'+right('0'+convert(varchar(6),run_time) ,2)



    from sysjobhistory


  • Kory

    getting alot of the following errors based on the zero's

    Invalid column name '00000'

    Invalid column name '0000'

    Invalid column name '000'

    Invalid column name '00'

    Invalid column name '0'



  • Replace the double quotes with single quotes.

  • michael,

    getting the following error from that script:

    Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

    Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.



  • wangkhar

    this works pretty good... thanks!!

    use msdb




    (ltrim(str(run_date))+ ' '+stuff(stuff(right('000000'+ltrim(str(run_time)), 6) , 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':')

    as datetime) as 'last run' -- i just added this real quick.

    from sysjobhistory

    i'll check to see if i can work out a day conversion so i can see mon or tue with it,

    but many thanks for the quick script!!


  • Ninja,

    thanks for the heads-up with the single vs double quotes, but there

    is an additional error:

    Msg 408, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

    A constant expression was encountered in the ORDER BY list, position 1.

    a quick correction with the ( order by was all that was needed for this )

    Order By [run_date] Desc

    thanks for the quick check though


  • it's unreal the amount of conversion in the first reply though...

    works great once you replace the (") double quotes with the (') single's,

    and then a quick adjustment on the (order by)

    again MANY THANKS for that Kory!


    here is the full script again for any one else that might need it.

    Select Top 1 SubString(Convert(Char(4), DatePart(year, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2)))), 3, 2)+' '+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(36), DateName(month, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2)))), 1, 3)+'. '+

    Convert(Char(2), DatePart(dd, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2))))+' '+

    DateName(dw, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2)))+' '+

    Convert(Char(2), DatePart(hh, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2))))+'hr '+

    Convert(Char(2), DatePart(mi, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2))))+'mn '+

    Convert(Char(2), DatePart(ss, Convert(DateTime, Convert(VarChar(36), SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 5, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 7, 2)+'/'+

    SubString(Convert(VarChar(10), l_sjh.run_date), 1, 4), 101)+' '+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 1, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 3, 2)+':'+

    SubString(Case When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 1 Then '00000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 2 Then '0000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 3 Then '000'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 4 Then '00'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 5 Then '0'+Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time)

    When Len(l_sjh.run_time) = 6 Then Convert(VarChar(6), l_sjh.run_time) End, 5, 2))))+'sec '

    From msdb.dbo.sysjobs l_sj

    Inner Join msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory l_sjh

    On l_sj.job_id = l_sjh.job_id

    Order By [run_date] Desc



  • Ya there are loads of faster way to make this convert, I would choose of of those VS reply 1.  Not that it's wrong but I feel it's just too much maintenance work and coding work!

  • How about something like:


  • I want to point out that run_time is an int and when a job runs one second after midnight the value will be 1 in the column causing the other sql to break.

  • good idea SQL ORACLE,

    but there are some minor adjustments


    use msdb & run_date enclosed in brackets [run_date], and where the query is drawing from like (FROM sysjobhistory)

    here it is again...

    use msdb


    SELECT DATENAME(YEAR, CONVERT(DATETIME, [run_date], 102)) + ',' + DATENAME(MONTH, CONVERT(DATETIME, [run_date], 102)) + ',' + DATENAME(DAY, CONVERT(DATETIME, [run_date], 102)) + ',' + DATENAME(WEEKDAY, CONVERT(DATETIME, [run_date], 102))

    from sysjobhistory

    but there was the following error on this any way:

    Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 2

    Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

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