Conceptual design and When to define schemas

  • we are in the conceptual phase of our project.  UI design just finished and front and backend development is just starting. We are defining entities and attributes.  And trying to get more specifications from the design and development groups so that we can most accurately define all the entities.   I was thinking to propose that we define all the system schemas at this point.  Most of the design literature says this is done after logical design at the start of physical.  But i am feeling it adds clarity to define these schemas now and to define the business subject areas that will fall into the defined schemas i come up with.  Is this a bad idea?  I know i can do what i want but thinking what is best?  Thanks.

  • I don't think there's a single correct answer here. Is this a good time to consider schema's and your object layout? Yes. However, as you say, it's early in the process. Be flexible and ready for change.

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