How to get these description from XML into the table?


    I want all these description in different row. TIA





    2|Play Ground


    4|Movie Hall


    SET @XMLData ='<PlaceDescriptions>



    <descriptions>2|Play Ground</descriptions>


    <descriptions>4|Movie Hall</descriptions>


    declare @docHandle int

    EXEC @Ret = sp_xml_preparedocument @docHandle OUTPUT, @XMLData;

    SELECT *

    FROM OPENXML(@docHandle, '/PlaceDescriptions/descriptions',3)

    WITH ( descriptions VARCHAR(100) '../@descriptions');


    doc.col.value('descriptions[1]', 'nvarchar(10)') descriptions

    FROM @XMLData.nodes('/PlaceDescriptions/descriptions') doc(col)

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  NewDBA201.
  • Firstly, you don't need to use sp_xml_preparedocument and OPENXML.

    Secondly, your xml is not properly formed - There is an extra ">" before "</PlaceDescriptions>"

    Below is code that will extract the descriptions from the sample.  NOTE:  I have kept the data size as nvarchar(10), but it will truncate some of the values.  You may want to increase it to nvarchar(20).  Also, Do you really need nvarchar?  The provided sample data contains no unicode.

    DECLARE @XMLData xml;

    SET @XMLData = '<PlaceDescriptions>
    <descriptions>2|Play Ground</descriptions>
    <descriptions>4|Movie Hall</descriptions>

    SELECT descriptions = doc.col.value( '(text())[1]', 'nvarchar(10)' )
    FROM @XMLData.nodes('/PlaceDescriptions/descriptions') AS doc(col);


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  DesNorton.
  • You can take this further and split the rows into columns like this

    DECLARE @XMLData xml;

    SET @XMLData = '<PlaceDescriptions>
    <descriptions>2|Play Ground</descriptions>
    <descriptions>4|Movie Hall</descriptions>

    WITH cteXML AS (
    SELECT descriptions = doc.col.value( '(text())[1]', 'varchar(20)' )
    FROM @XMLData.nodes('/PlaceDescriptions/descriptions') AS doc(col)
    SELECT cte.descriptions
    , [id] = MAX(CASE WHEN stm.ItemNumber = 1 THEN stm.Item END)
    , [description] = MAX(CASE WHEN stm.ItemNumber = 2 THEN stm.Item END)
    , [value] = MAX(CASE WHEN stm.ItemNumber = 3 THEN stm.Item END)
    FROM cteXML AS cte
    CROSS APPLY dbo.DelimitedSplit8K_LEAD(cte.descriptions, '|') AS stm
    GROUP BY cte.descriptions;

    The code for the splitter can be found here

  • Thank you so much.

  • DesNorton wrote:

    You can take this further and split the rows into columns like this

    DECLARE @XMLData xml;

    SET @XMLData = '<PlaceDescriptions>
    <descriptions>2|Play Ground</descriptions>
    <descriptions>4|Movie Hall</descriptions>

    WITH cteXML AS (
    SELECT descriptions = doc.col.value( '(text())[1]', 'varchar(20)' )
    FROM @XMLData.nodes('/PlaceDescriptions/descriptions') AS doc(col)
    SELECT cte.descriptions
    , [id] = MAX(CASE WHEN stm.ItemNumber = 1 THEN stm.Item END)
    , [description] = MAX(CASE WHEN stm.ItemNumber = 2 THEN stm.Item END)
    , [value] = MAX(CASE WHEN stm.ItemNumber = 3 THEN stm.Item END)
    FROM cteXML AS cte
    CROSS APPLY dbo.DelimitedSplit8K_LEAD(cte.descriptions, '|') AS stm
    GROUP BY cte.descriptions;

    The code for the splitter can be found here

    Niiiccceee  followup and great assumption as to what the next logical question might be.

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