Convert from nvarchar to numeric only if valid number-VAL command like MS Access

  • Hi Folks,

    I have been struggling with this and tried several different methods with no success.  All I am trying to do is successfully create a view in which fields that are nvarchar or varchar can be converted to their appropriate field type.  No matter what I do, be it using the isnumeric command or isdate command in a case statement so when true then convert/cast otherwise ignore but as soon as sql hits a specific record that cannot be converted to a number or date, it errors out on writing the table based on the view.  Every time I change anything and re-run, because of the massive amount of data involved, it takes hours before it errors out sometimes.  I know and often use the Val function in MS Access to easily convert be in nvarchar or varchar into number or date and using that command easily works and just ignores any value that it may get caught up on, but I find no equivalent command in SQL.  Is there a way to go about this that will actually work and that won't take hours to run just to error out again?  Please help, this is for local non-profit government ... too much money to upgrade anything right now, so I am just using SQL Server 2012 R2 on a Windows Server 2012 R2 box.  Any help would be appreciated.


    Thank you very much,



  • Use the TRY_CONVERT() or the TRY_CAST() function.  They will return the value if it can convert/cast it, and will return NULL otherwise.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by  drew.allen.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Have you tried using TRY_CAST? I think that was available in 2012 ...

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • what exactly are you trying to do?

    Is it a one time conversion or a view that will be available for querying on the fly going forward?

    and do you have sample data and code you used?

    try_convert mentioned above has issues (same as isdate or isnumeric) and it not necessarily the best/correct option to use based on your data - or maybe it could be used in conjunction with further validation.

  • frederico_fonseca wrote:

    what exactly are you trying to do?

    Is it a one time conversion or a view that will be available for querying on the fly going forward?

    and do you have sample data and code you used?

    try_convert mentioned above has issues (same as isdate or isnumeric) and it not necessarily the best/correct option to use based on your data - or maybe it could be used in conjunction with further validation.

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