Why Is This SQL Server Pivot Query Not Working?

  • I'm using the following SQL query to return a table with 4 columns Year, Month, Quantity Sold, Stock_Code,

    SELECT yr, mon, sum(Quantity) as Quantity, STOCK_CODE
    FROM [All Stock Purchased]
    group by yr, mon, stock_code
    order by yr, mon, stock_code

    This is an example of some of the data BUT I have about 3000 Stock_Codes and approx 40 yr/mon combinations. Thus the full table has approx 20,000 rows!


    I want to pivot this into a table which has a row for each SKU and columns for every Year/Month combination.

    I have never used Pivot before so have done some research and have created a SQL query that I believe should work.

    select * from
    (SELECT yr,
    mon, Quantity,
    FROM [All Stock Purchased]) AS BaseData
    pivot (
    For Stock_Code
    in ([4 2015]
    ,[5 2015]
    ,[6 2015]
    ,[7 2015]........
    ) as PivotTable

    This query returns the following table:


    Whereas I want col1 to be Stock_Code and col2 to show the quantity of that stock code sold in 4 2015.

    Would really like to understand what is wrong with my code above please.

  • Your stock code is not [4 2015], that's the month and year. it's working, it's just that you aren't asking for what you want.


    select * from
    (SELECT mon + ' ' + yr AS [YrMth],
    FROM [All Stock Purchased]) AS BaseData
    pivot (
    For [YrMth]
    in ([4 2015]
    ,[5 2015]
    ,[6 2015]
    ,[7 2015]........
    ) as PivotTable

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  • Thanks for the reply. The query is working in that the 4 2015, 5 2015 are column headers. But, it isnt working in that columns 1 and 2 of the table  are also showing 2015, 5 etc when I want a single column which shows stock code. Thus the table would be:

    stock code, quantity sold in 4 2015, quantity sold in 5 2015 etc etc

  • right, but the "stockCode IN (...list...)" part has to be matched by finding codes that actually exist. You don't have stockCode [4 2015] in your data, and you really wanted to have stock code for every row. Try the SQL I copied in and see if it works. I'm not sure the grouping will be right, but might be enough to get you on your way.

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  • I personally prefer a Cross Tab. I can't test this as your sample data is an image, which is impossible to use, but I would personally do something like this:

    SUM(CASE ASP.STOCKCODE WHEN 100105 THEN ASP.Quantity END) AS [100105],
    SUM(CASE ASP.STOCKCODE WHEN 100135 THEN ASP.Quantity END) AS [100135],
    SUM(CASE ASP.STOCKCODE WHEN 100237 THEN ASP.Quantity END) AS [100237] --You get the idea
    FROM [All Stock Purchased] ASP --Ideally you should avoid special characters, and names that need to be delimit identified

    If you want your pivot to group on STOCKCODE, then you would do the below:

    SUM(CASE WHEN ASP.Yr = 2015 AND ASP.Mon = 4 THEN ASP.Quantity END) AS [4 2015],
    SUM(CASE WHEN ASP.Yr = 2015 AND ASP.Mon = 5 THEN ASP.Quantity END) AS [5 2015],
    SUM(CASE WHEN ASP.Yr = 2015 AND ASP.Mon = 6 THEN ASP.Quantity END) AS [6 2015] --You get the idea
    FROM [All Stock Purchased] ASP --Ideally you should avoid special characters, and names that need to be delimit identified

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by  Thom A.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • PIVOTs are not very flexible.  I almost always use a CROSSTAB over a PIVOT, because CROSSTABs are so much more flexible (and the syntax makes a lot more sense).


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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