Redgate sqlbackup problem

  • Hi all


    Was not sure where to post this, so apologies if its not in the right area.

    I'm trying to create a job which will restore databases using Redgate.


    If I execute this, I get an error, but if I just print the @SQL, then paste it after an Exec sqlpbackup, it works.  I have to add that my filename has underscores and parenthesis in it (sigh), but I have no control over that

    SELECT @SQL = '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE ' + DatabaseName + ' FROM DISK = ''''G:\Backup\TestDB\' + Filename + ''''' WITH NORECOVERY, REPLACE "'

    ,@Restore_ID = RestoreID

    FROM OH_Test.[dbo].[Restore_Files]

    WHERE DatabaseName LIKE 'MyDb'

    AND ToBeRestored = 'Y'

    AND CHARINDEX('FULL', Filename) > 0

    EXECUTE master..sqlbackup @SQL


    Error returned is Syntax error: 'G:\Backup\TestDB\FULL_(local)_MyDB_20190427_150000.sqb''' after ''

    So, I think its to do with the quotation marks.  But that doesn't really answer why my print statement, when used, works.

    Print statement returns:

    -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE MyDB FROM DISK = ' 'G:\Backup\FULL_(local)_MyDB_20190427_150000.sqb' ' WITH NORECOVERY, REPLACE "


    Which then I can execute as

    EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE MyDB FROM DISK = ' 'G:\Backup\FULL_(local)_MyDB_20190427_150000.sqb' ' WITH NORECOVERY, REPLACE "'

    I hope that makes sense


    thank you




  • Out of interest, why not use the GUI? Looks like your statement should be this though:

    SELECT @SQL = '-SQL ''RESTORE DATABASE ' + DatabaseName + ' FROM DISK = ''G:\Backup\TestDB\' + Filename + ''' WITH NORECOVERY, REPLACE "' ...

    In your PRINT statement you have '...FROM DISK = ' 'G:\Backup\FULL...' ' which isn't valid, you've open and closed the quotes before providing your value for DISK.

    Edit: Side note, you can find support on the Red Gate products here.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by  Thom A.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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