t-sql 2012 error checking logic

  • I have the following sql that I plan to place in an SSRS 2012 report. The sql listed below is going to be used
    to show where the where there is errors in the data.The last 5 select statements are used to show where the errors
    in the data exist.

    The following sql works fine, but I am wondering if there is a better way to write the error checking logic
    can be written to be included in the ssrs report. Thus can you tell me how to change the sql written below to be used
    in an ssrs report to the error data  can be displayed on the ssrs report?
    SeLECT DISTINCT ros.personID studentPersonID, S.[trialID],S.[CourseID],S.[roomID], r.name roomName
     , i.lastName, i.firstName, c.calendarID, ros.endDate as  rosendDate, s.teacherDisplay
     ,ssh.personID as TeacherpseronID,ssh.staffType  into #RosterStudent1
      FROM TEST.dbo.Course c WITH (NOLOCK)
        JOIN TEST.dbo.Section s WITH (NOLOCK) ON s.courseId = c.courseid
     JOIN TEST.dbo.Trial AS Trial WITH (NOLOCK) ON s.trialID = Trial.trialID  AND Trial.active = 1     
        JOIN TEST.dbo.Roster ros WITH (NOLOCK) ON ros.sectionID = s.sectionID AND ros.trialID = s.trialID
           AND (ros.startDate IS NULL OR ros.startdate <= GETDATE())
           AND (ros.endDate IS NULL OR ros.endDate + '23:59' >= GETDATE())  
     JOIN #PeriodSchedule PeriodSchedule on PeriodSchedule.sectionID=s.sectionID
     JOIN (TEST.Dbo.SectionPlacement sp WITH (NOLOCK)
             JOIN TEST.Dbo.Term tm WITH (NOLOCK) ON tm.termID = sp.termID    AND tm.Seq=3
             JOIN TEST.Dbo.Period pd WITH (NOLOCK) ON pd.periodID = sp.periodID)
            ON sp.sectionID = s.sectionID AND sp.trialID = s.trialID
     JOIN TEST.dbo.SectionStaffHistory ssh WITH (NOLOCK)
         ON ssh.sectionID = s.sectionId AND ssh.trialID = s.trialID       
               AND (ssh.startDate <= GETDATE() OR ssh.startDate IS NULL)
               AND (ssh.endDate + '23:59' >= GETDATE() OR ssh.endDate IS NULL)
     LEFT JOIN TEST.dbo.Person p WITH (NOLOCK) ON p.personID = ssh.personID
        LEFT JOIN TEST.dbo.[Identity] i WITH (NOLOCK) ON i.identityID = p.currentIdentityID
     LEFT JOIN TEST.dbo.Room r WITH (NOLOCK) ON r.roomId = s.roomid
                     and c.calendarid in (1234)

    SELECT studentPersonID,[trialID],[CourseID],[roomID], count(*) as RoomCount
    from   #RosterStudent1
    where staffType = 'P'
    group by studentPersonID,[trialID],[CourseID],[roomID]
    having count(*) > 1

    SELECT studentPersonID,[trialID],[CourseID],[roomID], count(*) as RoomCount
    from   #RosterStudent1
    group by studentPersonID,[trialID],[CourseID],[roomID]
    having count(*) =0

    SELECT studentPersonID,[trialID],[CourseID],[roomID]
    from   #RosterStudent1
    WHERE roomID is null

    SELECT studentPersonID,[CourseID],TeacherpseronID,count(*) as TeacherCount
    from   #RosterStudent1
    where staffType = 'P'
    group by  studentPersonID,[CourseID],TeacherpseronID
    Having count(*) > 1

    SELECT studentPersonID,[CourseID],TeacherpseronID,count(*) as TeacherCount
    from   #RosterStudent1
    where staffType = 'P'
    group by  studentPersonID,[CourseID],TeacherpseronID
    Having count(*) = 0


  • You could use
    WHERE EXISTS  and correlated subqueries. It will slow things down, but right answers are better than fast answers.

    Do you inherit these stored procedures or write them? What's with the NOLOCK hints? You know what that does, right?

  • The following pertains to what you mentioned above:
    1. 'You could use WHERE EXISTS and correlated subqueries,. Would you show me an example of using the where exists? Would you also show me the correlated subqueries? Would you show me both examples of the sql that I listed above?
    2. I will not use the NOLOCK hints here.
    3. This is sql that I am in the process of writing.

  • I find it hard to believe you've been coding this long (and asking questions) and can't write a simple correlated subquery.

    Say I want to show all the details about customers without a sale in the past 30 days...

    SELECT c.*
    FROM Customer c
                    FROM Invoices i
                    WHERE i.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
                    AND i.InvoiceDate >= GETDATE()-30)

    Note the join between Invoices i and Customer c in the WHERE clause... that's what makes this work.

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