VLFs in Log Files

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  • Great question, thanks!

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Nice one thanks.

    Here is an article on this regard with more details:

    Managing the Number of VLFs in your Transaction Log[/url]



  • Thank you! I learned something new and I'll take care of this for database maintenance.


  • Great question, learnt something new.

    After reading the editorial and browsing Kimberly Tripps blog, I found it amusing that the google search first item was... Kimberly Tripps blog... coincidence? 😉 ...somehow I knew the answer would be in there... he he!

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]"The difficult tasks we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer"[/font]

  • Learned something new - thanks

  • Awesome question but very difficult.

  • Well, it looks like this is an area not many people know about....

  • good question,learned some thing new.


  • Good question!

    I learned something new. 🙂


  • Nice question, but: why would anyone create a 50GB log file in one fell swoop, rather than say making a logfile of 7142 MB and then extending it by that amount 6 times?


  • Good question. I had to do some reading to answer the question. Thanks.

  • Tom.Thomson (1/7/2011)

    Nice question, but: why would anyone create a 50GB log file in one fell swoop, rather than say making a logfile of 7142 MB and then extending it by that amount 6 times?

    If you migrated systems, and knew you needed a 50GB log file for a 3TB database, how would you create it? Most people would create a 50TB log file. The log file has to zero out, and so you'd have to sit there to monitor this process otherwise.

    Up until this year, that's what I would have done because I had heard too many VLFs were bad. However now I'd go with a smaller amount and extend it.

  • Tom.Thomson (1/7/2011)

    Nice question, but: why would anyone create a 50GB log file in one fell swoop, rather than say making a logfile of 7142 MB and then extending it by that amount 6 times?

    I would do it. I have databases that get tables updated daily and is around 115 Gigs. I have to backup the database and shrink the logs several times a day or it gets out of hand.

    The log files get very large so why not start them out large so it can allocate the space in the beginning without having to autogrow later?

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