Reporting Service Slowwwwwww

  • I still don't understand why Reporting Services is Sooooooo slowww... i have my SP that return 2281 records in 2 seconds in the query analyser but it times out while trying to render out the RDL file... all my indexes are in a row... WTF is the reporting services engine doing... and is there a way to speed up the engine itself... cause my queries are nice and tuned...thanks

    Really Really pissed

    Moe C

    Moe C

  • Is the stored procedure running slow when you run it from the Reporting Services design environment? If not then it has to be something to do with what you are doing in the body of the report. Also make sure that the Query Type is set to Stored Procedure.


  • Nope it comes up pretty fast.... and there is really nothing special going on in the RDL file itself... 12 columns doing a data dump.. the RDL file doesn't do much... yup the query type is SP on all my reports... is the web service really that slowwww... i have a reporting web farm going as well... i have 4 reporting boxes that the web services hangs off... is there a way to speed up the web service call to the database....

    Moe C

  • I'm not sure about your configuration. We have the IIS on the same box as the server and the whole thing is not terribly loaded, so I don't see any slow down due to the web service access to the db. Sorry I can't be of more help.

  • yea our DB is on another BOX... and the web services are on 4 different boxes...

    Moe C

  • please anyone else expiriencing the same slowness i am gettting.... i got over 3,000 business hitting this almost 24/7 and each business has at least 3 to 4 people running reports....

    Moe C

  • Moe C

  • I found this too and it turned out to be the virus checker, exclude the SQL Server folder (probably a good idea after McAffee decide SQLServer.exe sp4 was a virus!), I think the pc I was using has vss on it and excluded those folders too. Other thing is RS takes a while to 'warm up' at times.

    Phil Nicholas

  • are you saying that say for instance Norton anti virus would somehow grab a hold of it and cause the server to slow down??? has anyone else ran into this???

    Moe C

  • I have no idea, I just recall when first installing it we had rs on the same server as sourcesafe running the sample reports and it was pitifully slow. Only when I excluded those folders from virus checking did it speed up to normal speed. cpu was far from maxed out so can only assume some other issue..

    Phil Nicholas

  • what is your set up like in production?? are you having performance issues as well..??? im trying to pick as many brains as possible about how incredibly slow reporting services is..

    Moe C

  • Hi I am having similar problems, I am running a report wich returns 11,000 records and is taking well over 5 minutes to run on RS. But i wrote a quick basic asp page to test the Stored procedure and this returned all 11,000 records in under 10 seconds. I know there will be a slow down due to rendering but 5 minutes!

  • thats what i am saying... i got people from all across the US hitting these reports and i mean big business and reports are timing out and such ... is microsoft aware that the reporting services is slow ... or is there like a better way to implement the reporting web services... what kind of server is needed to run reporting server in order to get the MAX performance ...

    Moe C

  • Could try scheduling report snapshots over night and making them valid for 24 hours if its not so important theyre completely up to date? Have you looked a potential bottlenecks?

    Phil Nicholas

  • We are looking into the bottlenecks... I have written my queries and index the db to the T... we are still looking into why it is slowwwwww... i got a post in microsoft as well to this same issue and no one can tell me why

    Moe C

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