• Angeltica (9/24/2013)

    Microsoft recommend unlimited growth for temp databases.

    Initial size should be 50 MB for all temp dbs with 500MB file growth with unlimited Max Growth. hope it helps

    This is totally incorrect. You can't make a blanket recommendation for tempDB size, this is something that needs to be considered carefully based on the workload of the individual server. A 50MB tempDB will grow almost immediately on most servers I'm involved with and I don't manage large databases. The same applies for growth, you have to determine what it should be for your environment, ideally you will create tempDB with the max size it needs so it NEVER has to grow. Autogrow should be just for emergencies or before you really know what the max size you need is. In the OP's case, tempDB is growing and filling the drive, and it may not even need that much space, so setting the initial size properly will likely solve this problem.