Error starting Reports Manager

  • I have installed SQL 2005 and Reporting Services 2005.  I have created a sample report, deployed it and run it OK via the URL.

    When I try to start the Report Manager, I get the following error:

    The XML page cannot be displayed

    Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.

    A name was started with an invalid character. Error processing resource 'http://localhost:8008/Reports/'. Line 1, Position...

    <%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="Home.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.HomePag...
  • first off, did you REALLY mean 8008, or are you using 8080?


    david russell

  • okay, regardless of the answer on the port number... do not use localhost but specify the hostname... i.e., http://myhostname/reports vs. http://localhost/reports (where myhostname is the name of your host, of course).  I forget why this is the fix; but remember that it is, or was one time.  if you're using a non-standard port you can specify it with the same syntax as you've used.


    david russell

  • David,

    thanks for the help.  When I use the hostname rather than localhost, I'm prompted for a username/password.  If I enter my domain user details, I get the same error as before.  Could this be an account priviliges issue?




  • I can't imagine what privileges they would be.  I'm going to have to think about this one.  I mentally wiped the slate clean with the production versions and do not have the old info from when I saw this.


    david russell

  • the error does not appear to be anything other than the use of an illegal character.  Can you locate the file in question and look at it in an editor?  Perhaps you need to regenerate the report after changing from localhost to servername and see if that works.  I really do not think I will find anything else right now.  If I think of something I will post.  Good luck.  I am still confident that it had to do with localhost though.  that has not changed in my mind.


    david russell

  • David,

    thanks again for looking at this.  It's not a particular report I'm trying to open but the report manager page.  It's the /reports home directory that's failing.



  • Just things to check but you have got installed (not sure if it's changed with .net framework2.0 but it used to be the old aspnet_regiis /i commandline call).  Plus the virtual dir that's got Report Mgr, it's set to use the appropriate version of the framework?  Lastly, if it's a Win2003 server, you've got IIS set up to allow for execution (ie allowable extensions section)?



  • Steve,

    thanks a lot for that.  I checked out the reports virtual dir, and the value for ASP.NET version wasn't set.  I've set it now and the page displays.  As you can probably tell, I haven't configured IIS or Reporting Services before, and had assumed (dangerous I know) that the Reporting Services setup would have either done it or checked it.



  • I used to work with a guy who had a saying about assumptions, can't re-type it here but I'm sure he said it was from a Bruce Willis movie (diehrd or similar).    I think generally this doesn't get set properly when the order of loading the s/w is not 'exact' - where do i get the exact order from?  maybe a readme but usually trial and error

    Glad it's working for you though.


  • I did a fresh Install of SQL 2005 with SP1 and I ran into same problem above. The reporter virtual directory did not automatically choose the ASP version but the reportserver virtual directory did. Another piece of crap of Microsoft. You would think they would catch this stuff.

  • You can also see this error message if your .NET Framework wasn't installed correctly on your RS box and if you don't see all the "Application Extensions" under under IIS -> Application configuration tab (e.g. .aspx, .asax etc). After adding these App Extensions manually or reinstalling .NET Framework should fix this issue.


    Murad Akram

  • same error but I got it working eventually

    in iis admin if you select properties for virtual directory of reports in the tab the asp version is null and is probablly not selected. select it from the drop down. Then Select the tab that shows the pages and extensions select aspx extension check the framework version its pointing to and there is an option to test the file exists use this. then hit the apply button. try and browse the site. if it doesnt work go to reporting services configuration you will probably find a service with a red x select reportserver app pool from the drop down lists and re-apply.

    After this reporting services came up as expected. Basically the order of installation for aspnet20 seems to be wrong when you install sql64 bit, sp2, then reporting services then re-applu sp2 and dont reboot after every step even when not prompted. However everything installs fine if you initially install both sql and reporting services then apply sp2 !

    Dont ask me what is going on here fixed it purely with persistent trial and error


  • Hi Gary,

    I am experiencing the same issue. I see you managed to solve the issue however as I am totally new to SSRS,IIS and .Net, can u provide me step by step process of what u did



  • Neeraj, do you need step-by-step instructions on how to install/configure SSRS 2005 or how I fixed the this erros message? Also, could you explain your SSRS topology (How many servers, SQL version, IIS version etc).

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