query analizer

  • My query analyzer is too slow.It's taking very large amount of time to run a small and simple select statement.what should i do and what sould be the reason.


  • It's probably the SQL service on your server. If not, then you might have a nasty script your running. If you really think that it's QA then reboot. 🙂

  • You may have also max'ed out your virtual memory on your computer. I have experienced delays in SQL statements when I have many windows open but work fine when QA is the only window open.

  • Howdy...

    An idea would be to check the settings for Data Sources (ODBC) on your Pc. On the Tracing tab, ensure that a trace is not running. If you see the button "Stop Tracing Now" below "When to trace", click it to stop the trace.


  • hi try shrrinking ur database

    else change the network to TCP/IP


    Peldin Fernandes

    Peldin Fernandes

  • Not enough information to make a meaningful diagnosis: How do you know your query should execute faster? A 'simple' select statement on a 50-million row table with no indexes could reasonably take a 'very large amount of time'.

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