
SQLServerCentral Editorial

Learning with Sample Data

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I just had my one-year anniversary working for Redgate, and I must tell you, it’s been one of the best years of my professional career of 25 years. People aside (and there are a lot of really great people!), one of the reasons I’ve enjoyed this year so much is that Redgate understands and believes […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Same Language, Different Words

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I had to come to the Redgate office in Cambridge this past week for a department onsite. As a result, my wife and I were able to come early for a few days adventuring together, the first trip we've taken by ourselves in nearly seven years. As a large family with six kids, it takes […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

The Human Factor

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A week ago I was in Pasadena attending the SCaLE 20x conference, a gathering of many different open-source communities discussing the technologies and platforms that draw them together. I was fortunate enough to hear some excellent presentations on PostgreSQL and give two talks as well. After the first round of talks on Friday morning a […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

With the Rise of AI Chat, are Experts Still Needed?

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As I looking at the feed of technology stories this week, two things jumped out at me. First, Valentine's day happened to fall on the monthly release day for Microsoft updates and feature previews. If you work with Azure services, specifically in the data platform space, there are a lot of update announcements to work […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Automatic Install of Azure Data Studio

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Microsoft recently announced that you’ll get Azure Data Studio (ADS) when you install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) starting with version 18.7.1. Azure Data Studio has been around for a couple of years, and it has some great features that most of us never imagined for SSMS, like the ability to connect to PostgreSQL databases […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

What is Possible?

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There’s the old saying “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t -- you’re right” from Henry Ford. I’ve thought about this more recently while reading the book The Rise of Superman Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance which talks about how athletes have performed so called impossible feats over the past few […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

What's Causing the Pushback with DevOps?

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The term DevOps gets horribly abused. Don’t get me started on all the weird additions to it like DevSecOps. No, I just mean the term itself gets beaten up quite a lot. It’s to the point where people are starting to shy away from talking about it. I’ve even changed my approach when discussing DevOps […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial


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Over the years when I changed careers and then advanced in IT, many people helped me learn or provided opportunities. Some of these people gave specific in-person help, like my brothers who taught me programming logic and database normalization before I ever thought about working in technology. Others assisted from a distance when I read […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Controlling Intelligent Query Processing Features

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I always look forward to new T-SQL features and optimizer enhancements with every new version of SQL Server. Starting in 2017, Microsoft came up with a set of features called Intelligent Query Processing (IQP). These features work to improve performance without changing any code. If you’d like to learn more about these features, take a […]

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Redgate Summit Comes to the Windy City


I love Chicago. I went to visit three times in 2023: a Redgate event,...

Non-Functional Requirements


I have found that non-functional requirements (NFRs) can be hard to define for a...

Techorama 2024 – Slides


You can find the slidedeck for my Techorama session “Microsoft Fabric for Dummies” on...

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AG listener cant be removed

By ysalem

Testing with AG on Linux with Cluster=NONE. it was all going ok and as...

Remove comma inside Comma Delimited File csv in SSIS Using Script task

By hongho2

Hi, I have two tables: one for headers with 9 fields and another for...

Inserting 100K rows Performance - Baseline Performance

By MichaelT

We're trying to understand how quick new versions of SQL server can be.  Obviously...

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Question of the Day

The "ORDER BY" clause behavior

Let’s consider the following script that can be executed without any error on both SQL Sever and PostgreSQL. We define the table t1 in which we insert three records:

create table t1 (id int primary key, city varchar(50));

insert into t1 values (1, 'Rome'), (2, 'New York'), (3, NULL);
If we execute the following query, how will the records be sorted in both environments?
select city

from t1

order by city;

See possible answers