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Technical Article

Need assistance with Dynamic SQL

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Hello, I have the following code below that is throwing the following error: Msg 214, Level 16, State 3, Procedure sp_executesql, Line 1 Procedure expects parameter '@params' of type 'ntext/nchar/nvarchar'. I have been looking at this too long and just need a second pair of eyes to help me fix the issue. I actually want […]

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Technical Article

Function not returning all data.

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I inherited this code. Written by a 3rd party. I have 3 servers, 1 publisher 2 subscribers. Thomson Reuters just upgrade our Prolaw app to new servers with sql 2019. I have several functions that do exactly what they should on the publisher but on the subscribers I am only getting partial data return. I […]

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90 reads

Technical Article

T-SQL: Dipslaying Data from a Previous Row

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Hello: Below is code for a CTE "table" that I have for displaying for one account and one year the Opening Balance, Debit, Credit, and Ending Balance for each period of that year. The GL10111 table in SQL, though, does not display records (i.e. periods) where there is no transaction activity. The History Summary Inquiry […]

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Technical Article

Need ADO.NET Source SQL command to reference a list dynamically

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Hello, I'll try to explain my requirement as clearly as possible. I have an ADO.NET source that pulls a result set based on a SQL command, then loads the result set to an OLEDB destination. This all works just fine. The piece that I want to make dynamic so I can automate this package completely […]

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Technical Article


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Hi, I tried to connect to SYBASE ASE with ssis but I had to add a file C:\Program Files\Sybclient\oc_1251\OLEDB\MyDB.ids 😛 You can find this in the file : [Provider] ProviderName=Sybase ASE OLE DB Provider ClsID={DDACBAD3-9F47-7379-96DA-00105A17E92A} [Properties] Initial Catalog=AIVELYS Connect Timeout=15 Server Network Protocol=IP Server Port Address=1050 Optimize Prepare=Partial Select Method=Direct Raise Error Behavior= Print […]

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595 reads

Technical Article


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Hello I need help to build a Yearly Budget, my query bring all the year but I need the total by years as well Please help **************selectg.YEAR [Year],a.ACTNUMST Account,g.ACTDESCR [Description],c.ACCATDSC Category,sum(case g.PERIODID when 0  then g.PERDBLNC else 0 end) Beginning_Balance,sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 1  then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Jan_Balance,sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 2  then […]

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Technical Article

SQL query where value is less than negative number not giving expected results

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Hello I have a view FF_Email_IVGLVar which returns the following results I am only interested in anything with a variance of over 5c either way or NULL. I have tried the follow 2 where clauses I was expecting to see only the lines with the variances NULL, 0.06 and -1,596.76 but instead get the following […]

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Technical Article

SQL Tables Not Updating After Inserting New Rows

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The following code creates a table with the following watermark_value column: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [watermarktable]; GO CREATE TABLE [watermarktable] ( [table_name] VARCHAR(255), [watermark_value] DATETIME, ); GO INSERT INTO [watermarktable] VALUES ('[dbo].[products]','1/1/2010 12:00:00 AM'),('[dbo].[store_customers]','1/1/2010 12:00:00 AM'), ('[dbo].[store_orders]','1/1/2010 12:00:00 AM'); GO DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS [usp_write_watermark]; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [usp_write_watermark] @LastModifiedtime datetime, @TableName varchar(50) AS BEGIN […]

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