Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 151 through 156 (of 156 total)

  • RE: Delete a login

    Thanks, it worked...But I was wondering if there is an easy way out?


    Thank you. i'm able to connect now but I'm not able to run any queries.

    I'm trying to run

    Use AdventureWorks

    Select Title From

    It gives me an error saying that "Invalid object...


    I was actually trying to connect to a named instance. How could I connect to a new instance using sqlcmd?

  • RE: Index

    Some of the tables have and some of them dont.

  • RE: Drop Clustered index

    Great!! The ALTER statement worked. i always thought that I could right click on the index and then delete it from Management studio.

    I'll remember this.

    Thanks a lot everyone.

  • RE: Drop Clustered index

    I deleted the foreign key but I'm still not able to delete the primary key. Is it any way connected to the unique keys that I've on 3 columns?

Viewing 6 posts - 151 through 156 (of 156 total)