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Viewing 13 posts - 196 through 208 (of 208 total)

  • RE: FizzBuzz

    Too late now!

    I experimented with those union queries but couldn't find the right one, probably having too many unions or too few. Did you arrive at 32 by...

  • RE: FizzBuzz

    Why thank you Mister Magoo that's very interesting feedback. I have most recently been looking at my version of the 4 billion on a virtual server running SQL Server...

  • RE: FizzBuzz

    OK, so how far can we push this one then with the tools at my disposal? 100 billion is a nice round number and is just a billion...

  • RE: FizzBuzz

    Well I ran it on my laptop (2.13 GHz, 1 GB RAM)

    and it took 47 minutes for the 4 billion rows. On a more conventional server set up...

  • RE: FizzBuzz

    OK then, let's take a look and up the ante to 4 billion rows at the same time.

    Database in SIMPLE recovery mode.

    ZERO growth in database files.

    ZERO growth in tempdb files.


  • RE: FizzBuzz

    In the meantime is this a possibility? This variation also sets the threshold

    to 4750104241 (1681 x 1681 x 1681), the same as 41^6.

    set statistics time on




  • RE: FizzBuzz

    However if I rewrite my previous post using the WHERE clause instead of TOP, it makes a massive difference and is very, very close to Tom's.

    set statistics time on



    cte1 as



  • RE: FizzBuzz

    Sure beats this more conventional CTE approach by about a factor of 4.


    Don't use this one. There are better ones out there!

    set statistics time on



    cte1 as


    select top 150000000...

  • RE: Parse Column with . Delimiter

    In fact there's a simpler way of writing this since you don't need the other columns.

    IF NOT OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#FOO', 'U') IS NULL


    select '399.' AS longcolumn INTO #FOO union...

  • RE: Parse Column with . Delimiter

    Or for another variation on a theme

    IF NOT OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#FOO', 'U') IS NULL


    select '399.' AS longcolumn INTO #FOO union all

    select '400.' union all

    select '400.367.' union all

    select '400.35.369.' union...

  • RE: FizzBuzz

    Lucky I went for varchar(255) then Jeff.

    That should cover it!



  • RE: FizzBuzz

    Has anyone come up with this one yet?


    cte1 as


    select top 100 row_number() over (order by (select 0)) as row from master.sys.all_columns


    select case when row%15 = 0 then 'FIZZBUZZ' when...

  • RE: Single column to multiple columns

    This won't help you in SQL Server 2000 but works nicely in later versions

    IF NOT OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#FOO', 'U') IS NULL


    SELECT 'A|B|C|10' AS BulkColumn


    UNION ALL SELECT 'A|B|C|10|jhv'


Viewing 13 posts - 196 through 208 (of 208 total)