Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 61 through 73 (of 73 total)

  • RE: Twenty tips to write a good stored procedure

    Adrian Green (8/10/2009)

    Overall I've rated this article poorly. Sorry, a "Top Twenty Tips" sounds good (a nice bit alliteration), but unfortunately for a topic as complex as this you can...

  • RE: Twenty tips to write a good stored procedure

    oli (8/10/2009)

    1. Keywords - Use SQL keywords in capital letters to increase readability

    I find that the nice highlighting in SSMS more than adequate and a lot easier on the eyes...

  • RE: Twenty tips to write a good stored procedure

    GilaMonster (8/10/2009)

    rja.carnegie (8/10/2009)

    How much space does a variable consume? I assume kilobytes at most typically, which is really nothing at all. I mean, you aren't going to use...

  • RE: Twenty tips to write a good stored procedure

    How much space does a variable consume? I assume kilobytes at most typically, which is really nothing at all. I mean, you aren't going to use thousands of...

  • RE: DBAs and the Art of Diplomacy

    Coded language is underhand. It does exist in other fields of endeavour. For instance, a politician dreads being praised for a "brave" decision.

    It occurs to me that "Exceptional"...

  • RE: how maxdop works?need reply with detail

    MAXDOP 0 -is- the number of cores on the server (allowed to SQL Server, which may be fewer than "all").

    So what does MAXDOP 0 achieve?

  • RE: how maxdop works?need reply with detail

    I assumed that MAXDOP limited absolutely the number of cores allocated to a session, query, or batch. Is that not so?

    I wonder if parallelism-waiting is a fault. Naturally,...

  • RE: how maxdop works?need reply with detail

    TheSQLGuru (8/5/2009)

    Grant Fritchey (8/5/2009)

    I can't support .rar compression files at work (don't ask). Can you zip the files?

    Grant, aren't you supposed to be doing WORK at work?? 😀

    I'd call...

  • RE: one character of data

    Although QOD is often described or answered in slightly broken English that suggests a location requiring nchar, I think there are more locations that don't than some people are imagining....

  • RE: diplay first word before a space

    Fixing the bugs an exercise for the student? 🙂

    With similar needs I've been caught out where I'd prefer to include more than one short first word, such as "St"...

  • RE: import delimite file into sql server.

    If test.txt is where you're reading data from, that isn't delimited, it's fixed lengths. If it's a one-off job, or even if it isn't, DTS is more capable -...

  • RE: Going Native

    I have more experience of 2000's maintenance plan facility, and of DTS. We're only now moving to 2005. Of the tools I know better, I prefer scripts because...

  • RE: Update statistics for all tables in any DB

    Technically the QUOTENAME() function should be considered for quoting schema and object names, such as

    EXEC ( '

    CREATE TABLE [#stupid[reallystupid]]tablename] (i int NOT NULL)

    SELECT * FROM [#stupid[reallystupid]]tablename]


Viewing 13 posts - 61 through 73 (of 73 total)