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Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 68 total)

  • RE: barcode 39

    right now I found that other colums with minus is displayed is strange... although both columns are set nvarchar.

  • RE: barcode 39

    but I think that problem is with special character minus "-" between numbers 123456-01... maybe I need to convert the string ...I dont know..

  • RE: barcode 39

    access 2007,excel 2007 , yes I have tried it, but always the same.

  • RE: barcode 39

    Yes both works fine in excell but not in access.... string 123456/01 is displayed in access okay, but 123456-01 NOT.

  • RE: How to simple change order in access form

    WendellB (12/18/2014)

    To do as you describe really requires the use of VBA - macros are too limited. I presume this is a continuous form that displays multiple records, and...

  • RE: How to simple change order in access form

    WendellB (12/17/2014)

    The order of records being displayed on a form is determined by the record source for the form - so if your form has a SQL statement as its...

  • RE: variable char

    Evil Kraig F (11/10/2014)

    peter478 (11/10/2014)

    can you post me a link for passthrough queries you mean?

    Or simply google: microsoft access passthrough query

    Thanks , but this is not way, I want to...

  • RE: variable char

    Evil Kraig F (11/10/2014)

    The single or multiple SQL User doesn't matter, just FYI. Most webapps run that way with hundreds of thousands of unique users on the far end.


  • RE: variable char

    Sean Lange (11/10/2014)

    peter478 (11/10/2014)

    2. concerning global temp table ##amp you are right , but when I change it to #amp I can get output, no feedback (select * from...

  • RE: variable char

    Evil Kraig F (11/7/2014)

    Groups is a character string. So, you've lost your wrappers for it being text.

    You need something like @sql = @sql + ' WHERE groups = '''...

  • RE: variable char

    can you give me an example?

  • RE: variable char

    Thank you for your hints.

    I dont use passthrough queries method(I will look at it), but in spite of I can call sql procedures directly from my access project. Yes, there...

  • RE: variable char

    okay I will try to be realy concrete about what I need, you can forget for code before,It would be long way of explanation.

    just this:

    @group = A

    @SQLString = @SQLString +...

  • RE: variable char


    so here is my explanation.

    I use ms access2007 with ms sql database.

    In a report form I have two field date1, date2(datetime) and one field for a group(string)

    Everything works fine If...

  • RE: misssing data in report

    Okay , I have solve the problem by myself 🙂

    There were wrong set conditions of connections between tables.

    Have a nice day!

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 68 total)