Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 315 total)

  • RE: T-SQL

    It still throws an error...

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_Names]

    (@ID int)


    DECLARE @TaskOutFile VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @sqlquery VARCHAR(100) = 'select * from dbo.Table where ID=@ID';

    SET @sqlquery = REPLACE(@SQLQuery,'@ID',@ID);

    Select @TaskOutFile = 'C:\'...

  • RE: T-SQL

    It gives me this error ...

    Msg 137, Level 11, State 1, Line 0

    [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Must declare the scalar variable "@ID".

    Msg 16805, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_makewebtask, Line 131


  • RE: Printing to a specific printer

    Can I do something like this ?

    Get-ChildItem -path $Directory -recurse -include *.txt | ForEach-Object {Start-Process -FilePath $_.fullname -Verb Print -PassThru | %{sleep 5;$_} | kill }

    Get-Process | Output-Printer "\\Print1\ABC01"

    where ABC01...

  • RE: Cursors / without Cursors / SSIS


  • RE: Cursors / without Cursors / SSIS

    Can anyone assist me on my above 2 questions regarding autoprinting from SSIS

  • RE: Clustered indexes

    So when the new root is created it contains 2 pointers to the split up old root(s).Is that right?So each time a new level is added the old root is...

  • RE: Clustered indexes

    Does the data move to a new leaf level whenever a new extent is created to insert new data which does not fit into the existing extent/page?

    Lets say there are...

  • RE: SQL Server Reports

    "If you want to make it user controlled via a report object then you will need to look at writing an external assembly and embedding it into the report."

    Would it...

  • RE: CMS

    I got the above script working.But now I only have the servername and the version in the database.I would like to have the following details as per the below t-sql.


  • RE: t-sql

    insert into Table

    SELECT@@servername as Servername,name as DBName,[crdate] AS [LastStartupDate]


    WHERE[name] = 'tempdb'

    and [Test].[dbo].[Table].LastStartUpTime < [master].[dbo].[sysdatabases].crdate

    It gives me this error now:

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The multi-part identifier "Test.dbo.Table.LastStartUpTime" could...

  • RE: t-sql

    On SQLServer 2005:

    I am in the Test database which has Test table.

    insert into Table

    SELECT@@servername as Servername,name as DBName,[crdate] AS [LastStartupDate]


    WHERE[name] = 'tempdb'

    and [Test].[dbo.Table].LastStartUpTime < [master].[dbo].[sysdatabases].crdate


    Msg 4104, Level 16, State...

  • RE: t-sql

    SQL Server 2008 has start time.Where can I find similar data in 2005 and 2000

    I would like to have the servername,starttime,login that started the server,login that stopped the server...

  • RE: t-sql - days to week and days


    Just as scott has coded.

  • RE: t-sql - days to week and days

    I got this part.How do i concatenate both weeks and days together.

    Ex: 37 5/7 or 31 /2/7 or 41 6/7

    I have a days column

    Ex:280 days

    I would like to...

  • RE: Memory settings

    Query result:


    max server memory (MB)





    Maximum size of server memory (MB)



Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 315 total)