Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 121 through 133 (of 133 total)

  • RE: CHARINDEX in reverse

    I never thought of using a 'double reverse'

    Thank you very much, that was great and works no problem.

  • RE: CHARINDEX in reverse

    Is that going to work with the name: John Q. Public to give me:

    First Name = 'John'

    Last Name = 'Public'

  • RE: Joins

    Many thanks...

    Putting the On ... right after each table is MUCH easier that the way I was doing it.

    Much easier to follow, etc...

    Thank you again.

  • RE: Joins


    That looks very clean. I need to do some reading up on the difference between a Left Join and a Left Outer Join.

  • RE: Joins

    If you are asking about Keys.

    The keys are:

    tbl_Drawing: The keys are not used in the join - Company, Division, Drawing, Revision, Area;

    - Drawing_ID is not a key but is...

  • RE: Group By

    Actually I'm a little embarrased to admit it.

    I took a second look at the query and I am not adding (or finding the min, max, avg, etc...) anything.

    So, feeling a...

  • RE: Subtracting one field from another

    That really helped.

    Thanks to both for your help.

  • RE: Subtracting one field from another

    I suspect I am getting an INT from the iSeries.

  • RE: Subtracting one field from another

    In the vtbl_TCH_First_Labor table it could be either a Null which I convert to 0 or the YYYYMMDD format.

    In the other table it should always be in the YYYYMMDD format.


  • RE: Subtracting one field from another

    I tried and tried using different versions of what Lynn provided, using with and without Convert.

    I kept getting errors. However I just tried

    YEAR(dateadd(mm, -3, Convert(smalldatetime,str(START)))) As Job_Start

    and it worked.



  • RE: Subtracting one field from another

    I also tried


    When Start > 0 Then Convert(smalldatetime,Start)

    Else 0


    As Job_Start

  • RE: Subtracting one field from another

    Okay, I know this should be easy since I figured out the convert in the first place.

    But... I can't seem to get it to work.

    What is the proper syntax for...

  • RE: Subtracting one field from another

    Unfortunately Start and Close are in YYYYMMDD format.

    Which is why I convert them to a string to strip out what I need.

Viewing 13 posts - 121 through 133 (of 133 total)