Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 31 total)

  • RE: SQL job failed

    At a guess, I would say that WinSCP is prompting for a password it never receives.

    How are you logging into your target SFTP server? Are you using its in-built...

  • RE: Message Queues in Software

    tl;dr - I can't see the point in Service Broker; it doesn't appear to do what it says on the tin and is too convoluted to use...


    On the surface, it...

  • RE: A problem with using full text search with wildcard query

    I'm not sure why you need the * here.

    * is supposed to be a prefixing term, so "ipad*" should match words that start with "ipad", e.g. "ipady", "ipadness", "ipadable" (none...

  • RE: Back to Basics: Capturing Baselines on Production SQL Servers

    Bennett Scharf (11/27/2012)

    Hey Erin,

    This is great - especially the idea of baselining your configuration data!

    On a related note, I log and analyze my performance counters through Performance Monitor, mainly...

  • RE: Hierarchies on Steroids #1: Convert an Adjacency List to Nested Sets

    Theo Ekelmans (11/13/2012)

    LOL, gimme thor class hammer!!!

    The project i'm working on is a roof of concept SNMP MIB database, that is so fast it can do (near)realtime SNMP data packet...

  • RE: Hierarchies on Steroids #1: Convert an Adjacency List to Nested Sets

    Michael Meierruth (11/13/2012)

    What is this '(select null)' trick all about?

    It's a trick to 'order' by constant value, i.e. to not order/sort at all; in this case it adds a row...

  • RE: Syntax help required

    You're welcome. Make sure you test this on a sample dataset with a large number of rows, though, just to make sure we haven't introduced a performance time-bomb!

    Using a...

  • RE: Syntax help required


    cte_remove AS (

    SELECT b.*

    FROM dbo.ExampleLog a

    INNER JOIN dbo.ExampleLog b ON

    a.ID != b.ID AND





    cte_results AS (


  • RE: conersion of sql server code to slq plus

    I agree with the others and add that you shouldn't need/want to do this is in a well-designed database, but that's not going to make your requirement go away (nor...

  • RE: Process Support Database Framework

    I might be way off base here -- and I don't wish to downplay any of the work you have presented -- but how is this significantly different from the...

  • RE: Dynamically create and populate staging tables from CSV files

    Something inside me really wanted to hate this technique, but I know it has its uses in a pure "staging" environment (i.e. one where you have already committed to do...

  • RE: A C#.NET toolkit for writing SSIS Script Tasks

    Lesson 17:

    Never use MessageBox.Show in the course of your automated ETL process. It blocks operation of the remaining code until a button is pressed. Instead, favour logging to...

  • RE: A simple math expression solver


    Interesting code.

    But can't use just do either of these:

    Looks like you and I had the same idea...

    To answer my own question, I found that integer division was a bit of...

  • RE: A simple math expression solver

    Interesting stuff.

    Performance-wise, how does fn_reverse_charIndex hold up against (LEN(@expr) - CHARINDEX(@char, REVERSE(@expr)) + 1)

    And, seeing as your fn_simplemath function appears only to handle one expression at a time, how would...

  • RE: Preventing usage of "SELECT *..."

    I might be fuelling the fire here, as I'm merely playing devil's advocate rather than agreeing wholeheartedly with the approach...

    But, for the people who say that the DBAs/analysts should be...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 31 total)