Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 31 through 44 (of 44 total)

  • RE: scanner

    will look at these thanks

  • RE: scanner

    ok thanks

  • RE: trigger

    I figured out how to get my software to update without having to close the program I was able to add a button that did a windows refresh with flush...

  • RE: trigger

    I have tried the view and it seems to work ok execpt I am using a another software to access my sql database and I have to close it and...

  • RE: trigger

    OK I miss read and didn't realized what you were talking about it being in both the Header Table and Detail Table. I don't need to be in both...

  • RE: trigger

    because they want it to update the PONumber table with the total when they fill out the po so they dont have to go into the PONumber and put the...

  • RE: trigger

    what would you suggest then. I have a table called accounts as well would you use just the ID number for that account that coursponds with that dept and account...

  • RE: trigger

    The reason for account number being the line item is because each office has there own budget and they are broken into computer supplies, office furnture, copy supplies etc and...

  • RE: trigger

    Thats working ok except if there is already a amount in the subtotal in the PONumber table then it doesnt add them together.

    I also get a error if trying to...

  • RE: trigger

    He is the information in the database.

    On a view will it update the PONumber table everytime something is updated or added to the PurhcaseOrderDetail

  • RE: trigger

    Here is the script for the database.

  • RE: SQL question

    but wouldnt you still have to ask everyone who there carrier is so you could reference it to that number. or is there a way just to run it the...

  • RE: SQL question

    Can you give me an example and where to Add it in the database at

  • RE: SQL question

    Right now I have been asking people who the phone carrier is and can just add it to the end of there number. But I was trying to find a...

Viewing 14 posts - 31 through 44 (of 44 total)