Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

  • RE: How to find unused Stored Procedures in SQL Server 2005/2008

    John Waclawski (4/19/2010)

    dma-669038 (4/15/2010)

    Great article but in large environments you dont get to run/profile all stored procs at one shot(many times the application will not even call some procs depending...

  • RE: Collation Conflict


    thanks so much you are a life saver. that worked perfectly...thanks again. 😀

  • RE: Collation Conflict

    the DTR.paragon_rpt.dbo.TPM300_PAT_VISIT is the Latin1_General_BIN

    and the HPFDATA.his.dbo.ENCOUNTERS is the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    does that make a difference in my code?

    i forgot to include this in my last reply... sorry

  • RE: Collation Conflict

    select distinct pat.vst_ext_id, pat.adm_ts

    from DTR.paragon_rpt.dbo.TPM300_PAT_VISIT pat


    left join HPFDATA.his.dbo.ENCOUNTERS ENC

    on pat.vst_ext_id = ENC.ENCOUNTER


    where pat.vst_sta_cd = '14795' and pat.adm_ts >= '01/01/2010' and pat.adm_ts <= '01/13/2010'

    and not exists (select distinct ENC.ENCOUNTER


  • RE: time difference HELP!!

    the post has been updated for more clarity. please let me know if this can be done. Lowell yours worked great for the same line but not 2 different lines.

  • RE: time difference HELP!!

    i see what you are saying. I would like to see hours and mins. so should i try your second answer? thanks Lowell

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)